'fonction de recherche du combobox -------------------------------------------
intTopIndex = Me.ComboBox1.TopIndex
If Me.CheckBox4.Value = True Then
Me.Label11.Visible = False
Me.ComboBox2.Visible = False
Me.TextBox1.Visible = False
Me.T_Cherche.Visible = True
Me.T_Cherche.Height = 73.55
Me.T_Cherche.Left = 78
Me.T_Cherche.Top = 45
Me.T_Cherche.Width = 240
Dim result_combo As Boolean
result_combo = False
If Me.ComboBox1.text <> "" Then
For Ligne = 2 To Feuil6.Cells.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
If UCase(Feuil6.Cells(Ligne, 1).Value) Like "*" & UCase(Me.ComboBox1.text) & "*" Then
Me.T_Cherche.AddItem Feuil6.Cells(Ligne, 1).Value
Me.T_Cherche.ForeColor = &H0& 'noir
result_combo = True
End If
If result_combo = False Then
Me.T_Cherche.AddItem Feuil12.Cells(1350, 2).Value '"Aucun résultat"
Me.T_Cherche.ForeColor = &H808080 'gris
End If
End If
Me.T_Cherche.Visible = False
End If
'fonction de recherche du combobox -------------------------------------------
If Feuil8.Range("P6").Value = "OUI" Then 'si codes-barres
'If Len(Me.ComboBox1.Text) = "13" And Not Me.ComboBox1.Text Like "*-DP-*" And Not Me.ComboBox1.Text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then
If Not Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP-*" And Not Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then
If Feuil8.Range("P13").Value = "OUI" And IsNumeric(Me.ComboBox1.text) Then
For m = 1 To Len(Me.ComboBox1.text)
ncd = ncd & trans(Mid(Me.ComboBox1.text, m, 1))
Me.ComboBox1.text = UCase(ncd)
Beep 3000, 100 'chg
Me.ComboBox1.ForeColor = &H80FF& 'chg 'orange
Me.ComboBox1.Font.Bold = True 'chg
Me.Image13.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque 'chg
End If
ligne_CB = Feuil5.Columns(2).Find("*", , , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Row 'dernière ligne de la colonne B
'R = RechFind(Format(Me.ComboBox1.Text, "#"" ""00000"" ""000000"" ""#"), ThisWorkbook.Name, "PRODUITS", "E2:E" & ligne_CB, TB())
R = RechFind(Me.ComboBox1.text, ThisWorkbook.Name, "PRODUITS", "E2:E" & ligne_CB, TB())
If R > 0 Then
Me.ComboBox1.text = Feuil5.Cells(Range(TB(0)).Row, 1).Value
cd_b = Feuil5.Cells(Range(TB(0)).Row, 5).Value
End If
If pass = False Then
If R > 1 Then
Me.img_Avertissement.Visible = True
pass = True
Me.img_Avertissement.Visible = False
End If
End If
Me.ComboBox1.ForeColor = &H80000008 'noir 'chg
Me.ComboBox1.Font.Bold = False 'chg
Me.Image13.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent 'chg
End If
End If
derncell = Feuil6.Cells.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
For j = 1 To derncell
If Me.ComboBox1.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 1).Value Or Me.ComboBox1.text & "-Ref-DT" = Feuil6.Cells(j, 1) Then
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Or Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP*" Or Me.ComboBox1.text & "-Ref-DT" = Feuil6.Cells(j, 1) Then
don0 = Len(Me.ComboBox1.text)
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then don2 = don0 - 7
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP-*" Then don2 = don0 - 12
If Not Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP-*" And Not Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then don2 = don0
don3 = Left(Me.ComboBox1.text, don2)
chain = don3 & "-Ref-DT"
Set trouves = Feuil6.Cells.Find(What:=chain, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If trouves Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "*******", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "****"
lign1 = trouves.Row
End If
End If
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Or Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP-*" Or Feuil6.Cells(j, 1).Value Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then
For d = lign1 + 1 To derncell + 1
If Not Feuil6.Cells(d, 1) Like "*" & don3 & "-DP-" & "*" Then
lign2 = d - 1
Exit For
End If
somm = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Feuil6.Cells(lign1, 3), Feuil6.Cells(lign2, 3))) 'quantité
Me.Label28.Caption = somm
Me.Label27.Visible = True
Me.Label28.Visible = True
mp_qtt_avt = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Feuil6.Cells(lign1, 3), Feuil6.Cells(lign2, 3))) 'quantité
If Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5).Value Like "*.*" Then
Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5).Value = Replace(Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5).Value, ".", ",")
Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 2, 5).Value = Replace(Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 2, 5).Value, ".", ",")
End If
mp_prx_avt = Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5).Value 'prix 'prix
Me.TextBox10.text = FormatV(Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5)) 'prix
Me.TextBox8.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 3).Value 'quantité de la ligne de date
Dim CodeBarre$
If Feuil8.Range("P6").Value = "OUI" Then
If Feuil5.Cells(j, 4).Value <> "" Then
Me.Label29.Visible = True
Me.Label29.Caption = Feuil5.Cells(j, 4).Value
Me.Label29.ControlTipText = Format(cd_b, "# ###### ######")
' CodeBarre$ = code128$(Feuil5.Cells(J, 4).Value)
' Me.Label30.Caption = CodeBarre$
Me.Label29.Visible = False
End If
End If
Dim don4 As Integer
Dim don5 As Integer
Dim don6 As String
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Or Feuil6.Cells(j, 1).Value Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then
If combo = "press1" Then
Me.ComboBox2.text = Feuil6.Cells(lign1, 2).Value
Me.ComboBox1.text = Feuil6.Cells(lign1, 1).Value
End If
End If
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-DP-*" Then
If combo = "press1" Then
Me.ComboBox2.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 2).Value
Me.ComboBox1.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 1).Value
End If
End If
Me.Label27.Visible = False
Me.Label28.Visible = False
mp_prx_avt = Feuil6.Cells(j, 5).Value 'prix
mp_qtt_avt = Feuil6.Cells(j, 3).Value 'quantité globale
If Me.ComboBox1.text Like "*-Ref-DT*" Then
Me.TextBox10.text = FormatV(Feuil6.Cells(lign1 + 1, 5)) 'prix
Me.TextBox10.text = FormatV(Feuil6.Cells(j, 5)) 'prix
End If
If Feuil8.Range("P6").Value = "OUI" Then
If Feuil5.Cells(j, 4).Value <> "" Then
Me.Label29.Visible = True
Me.Label29.Caption = Feuil5.Cells(j, 4).Value
Me.Label29.ControlTipText = Format(cd_b, "# ###### ######")
Me.Label29.Visible = False
End If
End If
Me.TextBox8.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 3) 'quantité de la ligne de date
'If Me.TextBox8.Text = "0" And Me.ComboBox5.Text <> "P" Then
If Me.TextBox8.text = "0" Then
Me.TextBox10.Enabled = False
Me.TextBox11.Enabled = False
Me.Label10.Enabled = False
Me.Label18.Enabled = False
Me.Label14.Enabled = False
Me.Label10.Enabled = False
Me.TextBox10.Enabled = True
Me.TextBox11.Enabled = True
Me.Label10.Enabled = True
Me.Label18.Enabled = True
Me.Label14.Enabled = True
Me.Label10.Enabled = True
End If
If combo = "press1" Then
Me.ComboBox2.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 2).Value
Me.ComboBox1.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 1).Value
End If
End If
Me.TextBox1.text = Feuil6.Cells(j, 2)