Private Sub CommandButton91_Click()
Dim j As Long, i As Integer, No_ID As String, Dl%, derligne%
On Error Resume Next
With [Tab_1]
If .Item(1, 2) <> "" Then j = .Rows.Count + 1 Else j = 1
No_ID = "R" & Format(j, "0000")
.Item(j, 1) = No_ID
.Item(j, 2) = UCase(ComboBox10)
.Item(j, 3) = Application.Proper(TextBox1)
.Item(j, 4) = Application.Proper(ComboBox2)
.Item(j, 10) = CDbl(TextBox10)
.Item(j, 5) = CDbl(TextBox3)
.Item(j, 6) = CDbl(TextBox4)
.Item(j, 7) = CDbl(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(TextBox5.Value, ".", ","))
.Item(j, 9) = CDate(Me.TextBox6.Value)
.Item(j, 9).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
MsgBox "Nouvel article enregistré dans le stock."
End With
end sub