Sub Bookings()
'declare the variables
Dim bCell As Range, Rm As Range, Dt As Range, orange As Range
Dim dCell As Range, aCell As Range, Cl As Range, Nn As Range, ID As Range
Dim Fws As Worksheet, Bws As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim oCell As Variant
Dim iCell As Variant
Dim DerLgn As Integer 'Ici
On Error Resume Next
Set Fws = Sheet4 'data sheet
Set Bws = Sheet2 'bookings sheet
'filter the data to limit
'set the range to loop through
lastrow = Fws.Range("AJ" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set orange = Fws.Range("AJ9:AJ" & lastrow)
'clear the values from the calendar
With Bws 'Ici
DerLgn = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Ici
.Range("E13:BH" & DerLgn).ClearContents 'Ici
.Range("E13:BH" & DerLgn).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone 'Ici
End With 'Ici
'LOOP 1"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
'set the variable for the number of rows and loop through
For x = 13 To DerLgn 'Ici
'set the room variable
Set Rm = Bws.Cells(x, 3)
'LOOP 2"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
'loop through column range
For Each dCell In Bws.Range(Bws.Cells(x, 5), Bws.Cells(x, 60))
If Not dCell Is Nothing Then
'set the date variable
Set Dt = Cells(12, dCell.Column)
'FIND FUNCTION""""""""""""""""""""
'find the rooms
Set aCell = orange.Find(What:=Rm, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
'set the room variable
Set bCell = aCell
'LOOP 3"""""""""""""""""""""""
'loop through the filtered data
'find the next room with a booking
Set aCell = orange.FindNext(After:=aCell)
'establish the dates to add
If aCell.Offset(0, 1).Value <= Dt.Value And aCell.Offset(0, 3).Value >= Dt.Value Then
'set the variables
Set Cl = aCell.Cells(1, 5) 'status
Set Nn = aCell.Cells(1, 10) 'name
Set ID = aCell.Offset(0, -1) 'ID
'add the names and reassign after once
If oCell <> Nn Or iCell <> ID Then
dCell.Value = Nn
Set oCell = Nn
Set iCell = ID
End If
'add the coloring
Select Case Cl
Case "Unconfirmed"
dCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
Case "Confirmed"
dCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 24
Case "Paid"
dCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
Case "Cancelled"
dCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 38
End Select
End If
'exit when values are found
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
If aCell.Address = bCell.Address Then Exit Do
Exit Do
End If
Loop 'LOOP 3 end
End If
End If
Next dCell 'LOOP 2 end
Next x 'LOOP 1 end
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub