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quelles valeurs


XLDnaute Nouveau
je cherche une solution pour trouver les valeurs d'une liste donnée de factures par rapport un un encaissement.


Pièces jointes

  • exemple.xlsx
    9 KB · Affichages: 7


XLDnaute Barbatruc
Visiblement ce qu'on vous dit ne vous intéresse guère, tant pis pour vous

Dans le fichier joint je sors l'artillerie lourde puisque toutes les combinaisons sont étudiées pour un maximum de 7 factures :
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cible, t, ub&, a&, n%, b&, c&, d&, e&, f&, g&
cible = [D2]
t = [B1].CurrentRegion.Resize(, 2) 'matrice, plus rapide
Application.EnableEvents = False 'désactive les évènements
[H2:XFD8].ClearContents 'RAZ
ub = UBound(t)
Select Case [F2]
    Case 1
        For a = 2 To ub
            If t(a, 1) = cible Then
                Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                n = n + 1
            End If
        Next a
    Case 2
        For a = 2 To ub - 1
            For b = a + 1 To ub
                If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) = cible Then
                    Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                    Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                    n = n + 1
                End If
        Next b, a
    Case 3
        For a = 2 To ub - 2
            For b = a + 1 To ub - 1
                For c = b + 1 To ub
                    If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) + t(c, 1) = cible Then
                        Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                        Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                        Range("H4").Offset(, n) = t(c, 1)
                        n = n + 1
                    End If
        Next c, b, a
    Case 4
        For a = 2 To ub - 3
            For b = a + 1 To ub - 2
                For c = b + 1 To ub - 1
                    For d = c + 1 To ub
                        If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) + t(c, 1) + t(d, 1) = cible Then
                            Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                            Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                            Range("H4").Offset(, n) = t(c, 1)
                            Range("H5").Offset(, n) = t(d, 1)
                            n = n + 1
                        End If
        Next d, c, b, a
    Case 5
        For a = 2 To ub - 4
            For b = a + 1 To ub - 3
                For c = b + 1 To ub - 2
                    For d = c + 1 To ub - 1
                        For e = d + 1 To ub
                            If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) + t(c, 1) + t(d, 1) + t(e, 1) = cible Then
                                Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                                Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                                Range("H4").Offset(, n) = t(c, 1)
                                Range("H5").Offset(, n) = t(d, 1)
                                Range("H6").Offset(, n) = t(e, 1)
                                n = n + 1
                            End If
        Next e, d, c, b, a
    Case 6
        For a = 2 To ub - 5
            For b = a + 1 To ub - 4
                For c = b + 1 To ub - 3
                    For d = c + 1 To ub - 2
                        For e = d + 1 To ub - 1
                            For f = e + 1 To ub
                                If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) + t(c, 1) + t(d, 1) + t(e, 1) + t(f, 1) = cible Then
                                    Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                                    Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                                    Range("H4").Offset(, n) = t(c, 1)
                                    Range("H5").Offset(, n) = t(d, 1)
                                    Range("H6").Offset(, n) = t(e, 1)
                                    Range("H7").Offset(, n) = t(f, 1)
                                    n = n + 1
                                End If
        Next f, e, d, c, b, a
    Case 7
        For a = 2 To ub - 6
            For b = a + 1 To ub - 5
                For c = b + 1 To ub - 4
                    For d = c + 1 To ub - 3
                        For e = d + 1 To ub - 2
                            For f = e + 1 To ub - 1
                                For g = f + 1 To ub
                                    If t(a, 1) + t(b, 1) + t(c, 1) + t(d, 1) + t(e, 1) + t(f, 1) + t(g, 1) = cible Then
                                        Range("H2").Offset(, n) = t(a, 1)
                                        Range("H3").Offset(, n) = t(b, 1)
                                        Range("H4").Offset(, n) = t(c, 1)
                                        Range("H5").Offset(, n) = t(d, 1)
                                        Range("H6").Offset(, n) = t(e, 1)
                                        Range("H7").Offset(, n) = t(f, 1)
                                        Range("H8").Offset(, n) = t(g, 1)
                                        n = n + 1
                                    End If
        Next g, f, e, d, c, b, a

End Select
Application.EnableEvents = True 'réactive les évènements
End Sub

Pièces jointes

  • exemple(1).xlsm
    26.4 KB · Affichages: 9
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