Sub test3()
Dim nbcaracter#, X#
nbcaracter = 10.5
With [A1]
.Font.Size = 11
.ColumnWidth = CDec(nbcaracter)
X = GetSizeByPointsToChars([A11], .Width)
.Offset(, 1) = "nombre de caracteres demandé " & nbcaracter
.Offset(1, 1) = "rattrapage pour font size à :" & X
.ColumnWidth = X
.Value = Application.Rept("a", nbcaracter)
End With
With [F1]
.Font.Size = 15
.ColumnWidth = CDec(nbcaracter)
X = GetSizeByPointsToChars([F1], .Width)
.Offset(, 1) = "nombre de caracteres demandé " & nbcaracter
.Offset(1, 1) = "rattrapage pour font size à :" & X
.ColumnWidth = X
.Value = Application.Rept("a", nbcaracter)
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetSizeByPointsToChars!(ByRef Rng As Range, w!)
Dim w0!, w1!, w2!, k1!, k2!, k3!
w0 = Rng.Width
' Calcul des constantes
Rng.ColumnWidth = 20: w1 = Rng.Width
Rng.ColumnWidth = 40: w2 = Rng.Width
k2 = (w2 - w1) / 20: k3 = w1 - k2 * 20: k1 = k2 + k3
' Restitution de la largeur initiale de la colonne rng
If w0 <= k1 Then
Rng.ColumnWidth = w0 / k1 * (Int((Rng.Font.Size / 11)))
Rng.ColumnWidth = (w0 - k3) / k2 * (Int((Rng.Font.Size / 11)))
End If
' Valeur de la fonction
If w <= k1 Then
PointsToChars = (w / k1) * (Rng.Font.Size / 11) - 0.75 '0.75 ou 1.2 c'est le margin left imuable
PointsToChars = ((w - k3) / k2) * (Rng.Font.Size / 11) - 0.75 '0.75 ou 1.2 c'est le margin left imuable
End If
End Function