Private Sub Ajouter_Click()
Dim lr As ListRow
Dim Ligne As Integer: Ligne = 2
Dim lig As Integer, tablo
With Sheets("Devis")
Ligne = 2
.Cells(Ligne + 2, "B") = TextBox6
.Cells(Ligne, "C") = Jour
.Cells(Ligne + 3, "E") = NOM
.Cells(Ligne + 4, "E") = ADRESSE
.Cells(Ligne + 5, "E") = CP & " " & ComboBox3
.Cells(Ligne + 8, "B") = TextBox1
With .ListObjects("Devis")
With .ListRows.Add()
If Désignation.ListIndex > -1 Then .Range(1, 1) = Désignation.Value
If IsNumeric(Qté.Text) Then .Range(1, 2) = CDbl(Qté.Text)
If IsNumeric(PrixUnité.Text) Then .Range(1, 3) = CDbl(PrixUnité.Text)
If IsNumeric(Montant_HT) Then .Range(1, 4) = CDbl(Montant_HT.Text)
End With
End With
End With
End Sub