XLDnaute Barbatruc
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<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Option Compare Text</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Declare </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>PtrSafe</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Function </B></FONT>FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> (<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>lpClassName<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>lpWindowName<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String)<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>LongPtr</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Declare </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>PtrSafe</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Function </B></FONT>SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> (<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>hwnd<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>LongPtr)<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Long</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Public <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Const </B></FONT></B></FONT>Attrib_Done = "þ"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Public <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Const </B></FONT></B></FONT>Coché = "ü"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Start_Mao()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayFullScreen = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Start_Onkey</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Start_Usf</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(1) = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> APPEL_LISTE</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Start_Usf()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Start_Onkey()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^f", "Start_Usf"<FONT class=comm color=green > ' ctrl+f </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^s", "Save_Xltm"<FONT class=comm color=green > ' ctrl+s </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^o", "Svg_Stop"<FONT class=comm color=green > ' ctrl+o </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Svg_Start</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Close_Mao()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments") = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^f"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^s"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnKey "^o"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Svg_Stop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Svg_Clean()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N = 15<FONT class=comm color=green > ' On garde n jours max de sauvegardes </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Mdate = Date - N</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> SVG<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>Fso.getfolder(ThisWorkbook.Names("Svg_Dir").RefersToRange).subfolders</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Mdate > SVG.datecreated <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> SVG.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Svg_Stop()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Resume</B></FONT></B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ThisWorkbook</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>IsDate(.Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnTime .Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange, "Svg_Run", , <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange.ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Svg_Start()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ThisWorkbook</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>.Names("Svg_Intvl").RefersToRange <= 0<FONT class=comm color=green > ' On ne lance pas </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>IsDate(.Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> t = TimeValue("00:" & Format(.Names("Svg_Intvl").RefersToRange, "00") & ":00")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange = Now + t<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Toutes les Svg_Intvl minutes </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.OnTime .Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange, "Svg_Run"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Svg_Run()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>SVG<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String, Target<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ThisWorkbook</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>IsDate(.Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> Dir(.Names("Svg_Dir").RefersToRange, vbDirectory) = "": Get_Folder_Svg: Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Target = .Names("Svg_Dir").RefersToRange & "\" & .Names("Suffixe").RefersToRange & " " & Format(.Names("Date_Concours").RefersToRange, "dd-mm-yyyy") & "\"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Dir(Target) = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> MkDir Target</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> SVG = Target & Format(Now, "hh_mm") & ".xlsm"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>SVG = ThisWorkbook.FullName <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveWorkbook.Save</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [E1].Value = [E1].Value<FONT class=comm color=green > 'FIGER la date d'AUJOURDHUI </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [a1].Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayAlerts = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .SaveAs Filename:=SVG, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayAlerts = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>IsDate(.Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> .Names("Svg_Next").RefersToRange.ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Start_Onkey</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Save_Xltm()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayAlerts = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Inscrip").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Filename<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Variant</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Dlg</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .AllowMultiSelect = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Title = "Dossier de Lancement (XLTM)"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .InitialFileName = [Root] & "*.xltm"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Filters.Clear</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Filters.Add "Fichier de lancement", "*.xltm"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.Show <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [E1].FormulaR1C1 = "=TODAY()"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> RAZ vbYes</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cur_File = ThisWorkbook.FullName</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> xlt_file = .SelectedItems(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=xlt_file, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Wb_Xlt = ActiveWorkbook</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> d = InStrRev(xlt_file, "\")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox Mid(xlt_file, d + 1) & vbTab & "Saved Err=" & Err.Number, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Left(xlt_file, d - 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Workbooks.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Open </B></FONT>Cur_File<FONT class=comm color=green > ' On ré-ouvre le classeur avant la copie modèle </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Wb_Xlt<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>.Close</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Dlg = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayAlerts = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Print_Preview()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>S_Ad<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> S_Ad = Application.DisplayFullScreen</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayFullScreen = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Hide</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.DisplayFullScreen = S_Ad</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Effacer()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = Worksheets("Inscrip").Rows(4).Find("Tour " & [Tour])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> colonne = R.Column</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Joueur<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>[Equipes].Rows(1).Cells<FONT class=comm color=green > ' les rows sont mergées </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Joueur > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [TRI_RESU].Columns(1).Find(Joueur)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Inscrip").Cells(R.Row, colonne).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Equipes].Parent.Charge_Cbx_Text</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub TRI_RESU_P_GAGNEES()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("ATTENTION :" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Cette étape nécessite d'avoir enregistré" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "TOUS LES RESULTATS de TOUS les tours de jeu " & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "(voir feuille<FONT class=comm color=green > 'NOTER 1 RESULTAT' en E3 à H3)." & vbLf & vbLf & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> vbCritical + vbYesNo, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "VALIDER pour CONTINUER.") = vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Svg_Run<FONT class=comm color=green > 'svg, AVANT TRI, forcée par sécurité </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [R23] = 1<FONT class=comm color=green > 'en jaune si =1 car le tri a été fait ==> les N° sont le classement : voir variable trié§ = _(avant_tri) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Reference:="TRI_RESU"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [TRI_RESU].Resize([NBJR]).Sort _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key1:=Range("L5"), Order1:=xlDescending, DataOption1:=xlSortTextAsNumbers, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key2:=Range("P5"), Order2:=xlDescending, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key3:=Range("D5"), Order3:=xlAscending, DataOption3:=xlSortNormal, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Header:=xlNo, OrderCustom:=1, Match<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case:</B></FONT>=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("A1").Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub IMPRIMER_RESU()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Const </B></FONT></B></FONT>Delim = vbTab</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> CADRER_INSCRIP</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On rajoute le n° de mobile en commentaire au nom </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = [TRI_RESU].Find("*", , xlComments)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>s_address = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> s_address = C.Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C.Value = C.Value & Delim & C.Comment.Text</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = [TRI_RESU].Find("*", C, xlComments)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>C.Address = s_address <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$B$1:$Q$135"<FONT class=comm color=green > ' = Zone "IMPRIM_RESULTAT" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ActiveSheet.PageSetup</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterHorizontally = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterVertically = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Orientation = xlPortrait</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Zoom = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .FitToPagesWide = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .FitToPagesTall = 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Usf_Mao_Ds.Visible <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Usf_Mao_Ds.Hide</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Print_Preview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On enlève le n° de mobile en commentaire au nom </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = [TRI_RESU].Find("*", , xlComments)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> s_address = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>s_address = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> s_address = C.Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C.Value = Split(C.Value, Delim)(0)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = [TRI_RESU].Find("*", C, xlComments)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>C.Address = s_address <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>C = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Range("A1").Select </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Imp_Tirage(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>Plage)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>IsMissing(Plage) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Plage_List = Array("*", [C28], [I28], [O28], [U28])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N = Split(Application.Caller, "_")(2)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>N > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Plage = Plage_List(N)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>N = 1<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>4</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Imp_Tirage Plage_List(N)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Text<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>I<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, LC<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, LR<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Chiffres = 60</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Noms = 40</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Cadres = 30</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Color = Cells(8, Plage.Column).Interior.Color</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = Columns(Plage.Column).Rows(Rows.Count).End(xlUp)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Plage = Range(Plage, R).Resize(, 6)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Resume</B></FONT></B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("ImpMao").Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Err() > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "ImpMao"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("ImpMao").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveWindow.Zoom = 55</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Plage.Copy</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("D1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Selection.Interior.Color = F_Color</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> 0</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Font.Name = "Segoe UI"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Font.Size = F_Chiffres</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Columns("A").Cells(1)<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Colonne Terrain </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Value = "Terrain"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Size = F_Cadres</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>Array("B", "K")<FONT class=comm color=green > ' colonnes Noms </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Columns(C)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .ColumnWidth = 200</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Size = F_Noms</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>Array("C", "J")<FONT class=comm color=green > ' colonnes Score </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Columns(C).Cells(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Value = "Score"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Size = F_Cadres</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> LR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> LC = Columns("K").Column</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(1, 1).Resize(, LC).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("A2:A" & LR).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>I = LR<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>2 Step -1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If I = 3 then Stop </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>Cells(I, 4) Like "Blanc*"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cells(I, 6) > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Joueurs I, 4, 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 9).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 4).Resize(, 2).Merge</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 4) = "Blanc:"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 1).Resize(, LC).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 4).EntireRow.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>Cells(I, 4) > 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Joueurs I, 4, 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Joueurs I, 7, 11</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 1).Resize(, LC).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, 4).EntireRow.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> LR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Range("D1:I" & LR)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThick</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .Rows(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Merge</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThick</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Bold = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("G").Insert Shift:=xlToRight</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Columns("G")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Interior.Pattern = xlNone</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .ColumnWidth = 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>WorksheetFunction.CountA([J:J]) = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Columns("J").ColumnWidth = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>WorksheetFunction.CountA([F:F]) = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Columns("F").ColumnWidth = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("A:D").Columns.AutoFit</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("K:L").Columns.AutoFit</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [A1:L1].Interior.Color = F_Color</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.PrintCommunication = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ActiveSheet.PageSetup</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .PrintArea = "A1:L" & LR</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .PrintTitleRows = "R1"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .LeftMargin = 10: .RightMargin = 10</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TopMargin = 10: .BottomMargin = 10</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .HeaderMargin = 0: .FooterMargin = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .PrintHeadings = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>: .PrintGridlines = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>: .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterHorizontally = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT>: .CenterVertically = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Orientation = xlPortrait: .PaperSize = xlPaperA4</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .FitToPagesWide = 1: .FitToPagesTall = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.PrintCommunication = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Usf_Mao_Ds.Visible <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Usf_Mao_Ds.Hide</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Print_Preview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Tirages").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("ImpMao").Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Set_Joueurs(I<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, J<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, K<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Text<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Found<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Text = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>J = J + 2<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>J Step -1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Val(Cells(I, J)) > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Found = [TRI_RESU].Columns(1).Find(Cells(I, J), , xlValues, xlByRows)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Text = Found.Offset(, 2) & vbLf & Text</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If Found.Offset(, 3) = "F" then Stop </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Found.Offset(, 3) = "F" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cells(I, J).Interior.Color = 16764159<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Femme </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, J).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On Error ResumeNext </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, K) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(Left(Text, Len(Text) - 1))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(I, K).BorderAround xlContinuous</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub EnEvents()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Events=" & Application.EnableEvents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Enlever_Filtre()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Tbx_Régulier = vbNullString</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Inscrip_Change(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>Target<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Cell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Cell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>Target.Cells</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>Cell.Address = Worksheets("Inscrip").[Svg_Intvl].Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Svg_Stop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Svg_Next].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Svg_Start</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [Zone_Payé])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'If Cell <> vbNullString then </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> nbg = Val(Cell.Offset(, -5))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> Cell.Offset(, -5)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>"": Cell = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>0: Cell = Chr(150)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT>: Cell = Chr(145) & nbg</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Characters(Start:=2, Length:=1).Font.Name = "Calibri"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.ShrinkToFit = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.WrapText = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'End If </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, Worksheets("Inscrip").[d2])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Target.Count = 1<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Formule de jeu </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VALIDER_formule</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [A_inscrire_si_1])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Tirage_Done] = "Ok" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Le tirage a été fait" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Voulez-vous le casser ?", _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> vbCritical + vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Tirage_Done] = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Attrib] = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell = IIf(Cell = Coché, "", Coché)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>For</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cell <> ""<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Cell <> Coché <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cell = Coché</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [Ordre_Liste])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Target.Count = 1<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Formule de jeu </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Target = vbNullString _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Application.Un<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>_</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT> Tri_Joueurs_Reguliers</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [Joueurs_en_D5].Columns(1).Cells)<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Un joueur en zone D5 a été modifié manuellement </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cell = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > 'Joueur supprimé </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Cell.Comment<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cell.Comment.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Offset(, 1).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Le joueur a été supprimé, on doit remonter tous les suivants </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cell.Offset(1) <> "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Offset(1).Resize(, 2).Copy</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.PasteSpecial xlPasteComments</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Offset(1).Resize(, 2).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Set R = [Joueurs_Reguliers].Find(Old_Man, , xlValues, xlWhole) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If Not RIs Nothing then R.Offset(, -2) = "" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> InStr(Cell.Value, " "): Cell.Value = Replace(Cell.Value, " ", ""): Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Value = Trim(Replace(StrConv(Replace(Cell.Value, "-", "- "), vbProperCase), "- ", "-"))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [Joueurs_en_D5].Find(Cell.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlNext, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > 'le joueur entré est enDouble </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>R.Address <> Cell.Address <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox Cell.Value & vbLf & " est déjà inscrit", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>For</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Columns(1).Find(Cell.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlNext, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > ' le nom entré est un joueur régulier </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> R.Offset(, -2) = Coché</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Offset(, 1) = R.Offset(, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox Cell.Value & vbLf & " est un joueur régulier", vbInformation + vbOKOnly</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Cell.Comment<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cell.Comment.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > ' joueur externe </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Indispensable pour ajouter un commentaire </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cell.Comment<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cell.AddComment</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> mobile = InputBox("N° de Mobile ou de Licence :", "Joueur externe " & Cell, Cell.Comment.Text)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Comment.Text IIf(mobile = "", "Externe", mobile)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Comment.Shape.TextFra<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Me.</B></FONT>AutoSize = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Offset(, 1) = "M"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> L = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA([Joueurs_en_D5].Columns(1))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Joueurs_en_D5].SpecialCells(xlCell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Type</B></FONT>Visible).Rows.Count = L _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> [Joueurs_en_D5].RowHeight = 28.5</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [JOUEURS_REGULIERS])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Target.Count = 1 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Application.Undo</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Intersect(Cell, [A_inscrire_si_1])<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Target.Count = 1<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Cell.Offset(, 2) = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Application.Undo</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'Sub AJOUTER_NOM()</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'Dim LigAs Integer</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'If Trim([D4]) <> vbNullString then</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' MsgBox [Joueurs_En_d5].Row</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Lig = [NBJR] + 5<FONT class=comm color=green > '1ère ligne libre </FONT></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' If Lig >= 30 then AJOUTER_JRS</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Range("D" & Lig) = [D4]</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Set F = [Joueurs_reguliers].Columns(1).Find([D4], , xlValues)</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' If Not FIs Nothing then</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Range("E" & Lig) = F.Offset(0, 1)</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Else</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' mobile = InputBox("N° de Mobile:")</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Range("D" & Lig).AddComment mobile</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Range("D" & Lig).Comment.Shape.TextFraMe.AutoSize = True</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Range("E" & Lig).Select</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' Selection.Value = "M"</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' End If</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' [D4].ClearContents</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' VERROU</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'End If</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'End Sub</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'Sub AJOUTER_JRS()</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >' [Joueurs_En_d5].RowHeight = 28.5</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=comm color=green >'End Sub</FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub ATTRIB_NUM()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Title<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("INSCRIP").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>ActiveSheet.FilterMode <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Enlever_Filtre</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> REPORT_DES_NOMS_AVEC_1<FONT class=comm color=green > ' on force ce report car l'ordre a pu changer entre temps </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA([Joueurs_en_D5].Columns(1)) < 8<FONT class=comm color=green > '12 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Trop peu de joueurs pour un tirage efficace", vbCritical + vbOKOnly</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>[Attrib]</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("L'affectation des N° est déjà faite !" & vbLf & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "(à refaire si un nom a été rajouté)" & vbLf & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Voulez-vous refaire l'attribution ?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Attribution") = vbNo <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Attrib] = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Title = "VALIDER pour CONTINUER"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Formule] = 2 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > 'casDoublettes maximoises : </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Range("S3") = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > 'casDoublettes maximoises et trop de Femmes : CAS=0 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox(Range("T4") & vbLf & " OK ? ", _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> vbQuestion & vbYesNo) <> vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Préparation de la liste des équipes :" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Voulez-vous donner aux équipes un N° " & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "DIFFERENT de celui de l'ORDRE D'INSCRIPTION ?" & vbLf & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Répondre NON si étiquettes déjà distribuées.", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, Title) <> vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Listes</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Tirage_Done].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Tours_Resultats].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Noter 1 RESULTAT").Cbx_Noms.Clear</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [TRI_noms].Sort Key1:=Range("C5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> OrderCustom:=1, Match<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case:</B></FONT>=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DataOption1:=xlSortNormal</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Listes:</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' on masque les colonnes C et G </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("C").Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("G").Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Attrib] = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > '****************** transfert en fixe + tri num puis copie pour TRI alpha </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Copy: [AL5].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [AK5].Resize([Joueurs_en_D5].Rows.Count, 2).Copy: [AC5].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.CutCopyMode = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Tri des Noms de la liste Alpha </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [AC5].Resize([Joueurs_en_D5].Rows.Count, 2).Sort _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key1:=Range("AD5"), Order1:=xlAscending, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key2:=Range("AC5"), Order2:=xlAscending, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Header:=xlNo, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Les numéros étant attribués les "NOMS" sont figés et </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' protégés des fausses manoeuvres (sauf si on déverrouille la feuille) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> [Joueurs_en_D5]</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Locked = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .FormulaHidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show_Repaint</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub DEVERROU(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>Sh<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Worksheet)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' ATTENTION l'unprotect fait perdre le contenu du COPY </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Sh<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Sh = ActiveSheet</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Sh.Unprotect</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Sh = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub VERROU(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>Sh<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Worksheet)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>[NoLock] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Sh<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Sh = ActiveSheet</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Sh.Protect DrawingObjects:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, Contents:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT>, Scenarios:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, UserInterfaceOnly:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Sh = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Saisir_En_D5(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>Ajouter<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> CADRER_INSCRIP</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>[NBJR] >= 131: MsgBox "Nombre maximum de joueurs atteint", vbCritical + vbOKOnly</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Ajouter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Tirage_Done] = "OK" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Tirage effectué" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Ajouter un joueur quand même ?", vbCritical + vbOKCancel) = vbCancel <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> [Joueurs_en_D5].SpecialCells(xlCell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Type</B></FONT>Blanks).Cells(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Rows.Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Cmd_Add_Click</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Function </B></FONT>Get_File_Liste()<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Dlg</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .AllowMultiSelect = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Title = "Dossier des Joueurs Habituels"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .InitialFileName = [Dir_Liste] & "\" & [Nom_Liste] & ".xls"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Filters.Clear</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Filters.Add "Liste(s) des joueurs", "*.xls"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.SelectedItems.Count > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Z = Dir(.SelectedItems(1))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Nom_Liste] = Left(Z, InStrRev(Z, ".") - 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Dir_Liste] = Left(.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), Application.PathSeparator) - 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_File_Liste = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_File_Liste = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Dlg = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub CADRER_A_INSCRIRE()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> [Zone_Réguliers], <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [A_inscrire_si_1].Cells(1).Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT>_NOTER()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>[Attrib] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Les numéros n'ont pas été attribués", vbCritical</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Noter 1 RESULTAT").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub VOIR_TABL_N()<FONT class=comm color=green > ' en provenance de "INSCRIP" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>[Attrib] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Les numéros n'ont pas été attribués", vbCritical</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Range("E141") >= 1<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>[Attrib] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > 'Fem+Z>=1 et TRI déjà fait </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox(Title:="VALIDER pour CONTINUER.", _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Prompt:="Cette étape nécessite d'avoir au préalable cliqué sur<FONT class=comm color=green > 'ATTRIBUER 1 N° à chaque joueur'" & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> " (par tirage au sort) sinon les N° resteront dans l'ordre des inscriptions" & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> " et surtout les informations de la colonne<FONT class=comm color=green > 'SEXE' resteront inefficaces !!! Voulez-vous néanmoins CONTINUER ?" _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> , Buttons:=4) <> 6 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Alors veuillez SVP cliquer sur le bouton<FONT class=comm color=green > '5. ATTRIBUER 1 N° ... " & vbLf & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> " puis recommencer votre dernière opération seulement. MERCI."</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Svg_Run<FONT class=comm color=green > 'sauvegarde forcée par sécurité </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">[NT] = Worksheets("INSCRIP").Range("L1")<FONT class=comm color=green > 'transfert du NB JRS en NT </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Worksheets("Noter 1 RESULTAT").Cbx_Noms.Clear</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">TRANSFERT</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Formule] <> 2 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> MAJ_BLANCS</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">CADRER_TIRAGES</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Tirage_COL67()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Worksheets("TIRAGES")<FONT class=comm color=green > ' pour appel depuis INSCRIP bouton 7 "vers TOUR de JEU" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("I:N").ColumnWidth = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("U:Z").ColumnWidth = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("AG:AL").ColumnWidth = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("AS:AX").ColumnWidth = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Tirage_COL131()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Worksheets("TIRAGES")<FONT class=comm color=green > ' pour appel depuis INSCRIP bouton 7 "vers TOUR de JEU" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("I:N").ColumnWidth = 2.71</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("U:Z").ColumnWidth = 2.71</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("AG:AL").ColumnWidth = 2.71</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns("AS:AX").ColumnWidth = 2.71</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Tmfc()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Nécessaire pour les MFC </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>I = Worksheets("Tirages").Cells.FormatConditions.Count<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>1 Step -1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Worksheets("Tirages").Cells.FormatConditions(I)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.Font.Strikethrough <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Debug.Print</B></FONT> .Formula1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub TRANSFERT()<FONT class=comm color=green > '[NT] (de feuille TIRAGES) est supposé alimenté et >=8 sinon nn négatIf </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Tirages").Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Tirages").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [TIRAGE_appelé].FormulaR1C1 = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("C25") = Range("A22")<FONT class=comm color=green > 'valeur initiale nb Fem mises en relief ? </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > '************* CALCUL ADR du tableau à copier </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>nn<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, lig_suppl<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, taille<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer, DECAL_30<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DECAL_30 = IIf(Worksheets("INSCRIP").Range("S3") = 2, 30, 0)<FONT class=comm color=green > 'décalage de 30 colonnes pour accéder à la variante en F2 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[NT] > 68<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>[Formule] = 2 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Tirage_COL131 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT> Tirage_COL67</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Tirage_COL131</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[NT] >= 68<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>[Formule] = 2 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> lig_suppl = ([NT] - 68) * 16</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> taille = 21 + 16</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> lig_suppl = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> taille = 21</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> nn = 22 * [NT] - 176 + lig_suppl</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > '************* FIN du CALCUL ADR du tableau à copier </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Comme on va copier toute une plage du fichier des tables, </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' les MFC en cours risquent d'être découpées au profit de celles de la plage copiée </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On les détruit </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' DEVERROU<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Nécessaire pour les MFC </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' For I = Worksheets("Tirages").Cells.FormatConditions.CountTo 1 Step -1 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' With Worksheets("Tirages").Cells.FormatConditions(I) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If .Font.Strikethrough then .Delete </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' End With </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Next </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > '******************ouverture fichier TABLE concernée et copy : </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Fso.FolderExists([Dir_Tables])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_Folder_Tables</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Workbooks.Open(Filename:=[Dir_Tables] & "\" & [Nom_TABLE], ReadOnly:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("F2").Range(Cells(1 + nn, 1 + DECAL_30), Cells(taille + nn, 26 + DECAL_30)).Copy</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tirages").Range("A27").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tirages").Range("A27").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.CutCopyMode = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>.Close</B></FONT> SaveChanges:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'supprimer lignes 5 et/ou 6 et/ou 7 inutiles car VIDES </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Range("E5") = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Rows(5).RowHeight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Range("C6") = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Rows(6).RowHeight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Range("C7") = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Rows(7).RowHeight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On reconstitue les MFC pour le suivi des parties terminées </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Tirages").Mfc_TIRAGES</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' DEVERROU<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Nécessaire pour les MFC </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On Error ResumeNext </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Pl = Array("C30", "I30", "O30", "U30") </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' L = [Tour_1].Rows.Count - 2 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' For I = 0To Ubound(Pl) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' f = "RECHERCHEV(" & Pl(I) & ";TRI_RESU;" & I + 7 & ")" </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' With Range(Pl(I)).Resize(L, 6).FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Formula1:="=OU(" & f & "=""G"";SI(ESTNUM(" & f & ");" & f & ">0;FAUX))") </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .Font.Strikethrough = True </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .Font.Color = vbRed </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .Interior.Color = 14277081 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .StopIfTrue = False </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .SetFirstPriority </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' End With </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' With Range(Pl(I)).Resize(L, 6).FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Formula1:="=OU(" & f & "=""P"";SI(ESTNUM(" & f & ");" & f & "<0;FAUX))") </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .Font.Strikethrough = True </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' <FONT class=comm color=green > '.Font.Color = vbRed </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .Interior.Color = 14277081 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .StopIfTrue = False </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' .SetFirstPriority </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' End With </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Next </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Re-init noter un résultat </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [N_Joueur] = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Tour] = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Is_Tirage_Done</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("C1").Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show_Repaint</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Edit_Liste()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>NomListe<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> NomListe = [Nom_Liste].Value & ".xls"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Fso.FileExists([Dir_Liste] & "\" & NomListe)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_File_Liste</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> NomListe = [Nom_Liste].Value & ".xls"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Msgtext = NomListe & " est ouvert en écriture" & vbLf & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Si vous le modifiez," & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "n'oubliez pas de recharger la liste dans DS Pétanque"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Resume</B></FONT></B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Workbooks(NomListe)<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Workbooks.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Open </B></FONT>([Dir_Liste] & "\" & [Nom_Liste])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Workbooks(NomListe).Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Workbooks(NomListe).Worksheets("Modif").Unprotect</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox Msgtext, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Liste des joueurs Habituels"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub S_APPEL_LISTE()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Etes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir recharger la liste des habitué(e)s ?", vbCritical + vbYesNo) = vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>WorksheetFunction.CountA([A_inscrire_si_1]) = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> APPEL_LISTE</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> APPEL_LISTE MsgBox("Avec préservation des Inscrits ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub APPEL_LISTE(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>Preserver<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Joueurs_Inscrits</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>F_Address<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Fso<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Object</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Intégration de la liste des joueurs </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Inscrip = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Inscrip")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Enlever_Filtre</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Fso.FileExists([Dir_Liste] & "\" & [Nom_Liste] & ".xls")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_File_Liste</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fso = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Preserver <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' sauvegarde des joueurs inscrits </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Joueurs_Inscrits = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Address = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [A_inscrire_si_1].Columns(1).Cells([A_inscrire_si_1].Rows.Count)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' on cherche les joueurs cochés </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [A_inscrire_si_1].Find(Coché, R, xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>F_Address = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> F_Address = R.Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Joueurs_Inscrits.Add R.Offset(, 4) & " " & R.Offset(, 5), 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [A_inscrire_si_1].FindPrevious(R)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>R.Address = F_Address <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [A_inscrire_si_1].FormulaR1C1 = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [JOUEURS_REGULIERS].EntireRow.Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Offset(, 1).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Filename = [Dir_Liste] & "\" & [Nom_Liste] & ".xls"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Filename, ReadOnly:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT>)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Inscrits[#Data]].Copy</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Inscrip.Range("E147").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.CutCopyMode = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>.Close</B></FONT> SaveChanges:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Preserver <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Joueur<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>Inscrip.Range("F" & 147 & ":G" & [A_inscrire_si_1].Rows.Count).Rows</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Joueurs_Inscrits.exists(Joueur.Cells(1) & " " & Joueur.Cells(2)) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Range("B" & Joueur.Row) = "1"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Joueurs_Inscrits = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Tri_Joueurs_Reguliers</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Type</B></FONT>Blanks).EntireRow.Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Tbx_Régulier_Change</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Inscrip.[B144], <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Inscrip = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Function </B></FONT>Get_Folder_Tables()<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Fd<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>FileDialog</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Fd</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .AllowMultiSelect = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Title = "Dossier des Tables de Tirages"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .InitialFileName = [Dir_Tables].Value & IIf(Right([Dir_Tables], 1) = "\", "", "\")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.SelectedItems.Count > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Dir_Tables].Value = .SelectedItems(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_Folder_Tables = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_Folder_Tables = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fd = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Function </B></FONT>Get_Folder_Svg()<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Fd<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>FileDialog</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Fd</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .AllowMultiSelect = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Title = "Dossier des Sauvegardes [ RESULTATS ]"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .InitialFileName = [Svg_Dir].Value & IIf(Right([Svg_Dir], 1) = "\", "", "\")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Show</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.SelectedItems.Count > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Svg_Dir].Value = .SelectedItems(1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_Folder_Svg = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Get_Folder_Svg = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Fd = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub RAZ_Joueurs_Réguliers_Inscrits()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [A_inscrire_si_1].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub RAZ(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Optional </B></FONT>SansConfirmer = vbNo)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>SansConfirmer = vbNo <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> SansConfirmer = MsgBox("Voulez-vous lancer" & vbLf & "l'effacement de la liste", _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "VALIDER pour CONTINUER")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>SansConfirmer = vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [E1].FormulaR1C1 = "=TODAY()"<FONT class=comm color=green > 'initialiser avec date=AUJOURDHUI </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [AL5:AL135].FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-34]="""","""",RC[-34])"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [AC5:AD135].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [RAZ_LISTE].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [NT] = vbNullString</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [TIRAGE_appelé].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [R23].ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Cell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>[Joueurs_en_D5].Cells</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>Cell.Comment<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Cell.Comment.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' on peut saisir directement (jusqu'à atrribution des N°) en D5 à E135, même si la feuille est verrouillée. </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Zone_Payé].Locked = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [D5:E135].Locked = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [D5:E135].FormulaHidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> APPEL_LISTE<FONT class=comm color=green > ' On recharge la liste des joueurs habitués </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> REDUIRE</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Enlever_Filtre</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Attrib] = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show_Repaint</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' MsgBox "CONSIGNES DE SAISIE :" & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' " Cliquer au besoin sur le bouton (changer)'ordre LISTE' situé en D3 pour pouvoir, ensuite, CHOISIR (en cliquant sur la flèche en " & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' "D4/E4) soit dans une liste NOM-Prénom soit dans une liste Prénom-NOM," & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' " MAIS on peut aussi, pour les joueurs occasionnels, TAPER DIRECTEMENT un nom-prénom en D4. Dans les 2 cas, il faut " & _ </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' " toujours terminer par CLIQUER sur le bouton<FONT class=comm color=green > 'Ajouter' et, ensuite, saisir le sexe=F en col.E si<FONT class=comm color=green > 'Féminin' ou assimilé." </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Tri_Joueurs_Reguliers()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Plage<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Plage = Worksheets("Inscrip").Range([A_inscrire_si_1], [JOUEURS_REGULIERS])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Ordre_Liste] Like "P*" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > ' tri par Prénom </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Plage.Sort _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key1:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(4), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key2:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(3), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key3:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(5), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Header:=xlNo</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Plage.Sort _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key1:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(3), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key2:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(4), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key3:=[JOUEURS_REGULIERS].Cells(5), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Header:=xlNo</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub IMPRIM_LISTE_2col()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Reference:="LISTE_2cols"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Z = [LISTE_2cols].Offset(2).Columns(2).Resize(, 6).Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Z</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Print_Preview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [A_inscrire_si_1].Cells(1).Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub CADRER_INSCRIP()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("INSCRIP").Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> REDUIRE<FONT class=comm color=green > 'les lignes inutilisées </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("C").Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("G").Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("A:R").Select: ActiveWindow.Zoom = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Cells(1).Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub CADRER_NOTER()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("NOTER 1 RESULTAT").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [a1].Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Reference:="CADRE_NOTER", Scroll:=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveWindow.Zoom = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [E9].Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show_Repaint</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Suivi_Tour</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Set_Score()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Noter 1 RESULTAT").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Sh<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>ActiveSheet.Shapes</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Sh.Name Like "Score_*" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Sh.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> H = 12</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> W = 12</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Wmax = W * 14</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> X = ([Resultat].Left + [Resultat].MergeArea.Width) - Wmax</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Y = [Resultat].Top - H</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>I = 0<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>13</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, X, Y, W, H)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> shp</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Name = "Score_P_" & I</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Line.Weight = 0.25</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .OLEFormat.Object</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Interior.Color = 4697456</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Color = vbWhite</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Size = 6</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Bold = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .TextFrame2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.Characters.Text = IIf(I = 0, "G", Format(I, "+##;-##"))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = msoAlignCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginLeft = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginTop = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginRight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginBottom = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .OnAction = "Click_Score"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> X = X + W</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> X = ([Resultat].Left + [Resultat].MergeArea.Width) - Wmax</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Y = [Resultat].Top + [Resultat].Height</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>I = 14<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>1 Step -1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, X, Y, W, H)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> shp</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Name = "Score_N_" & I</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Line.Weight = 0.25</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .OLEFormat.Object</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Interior.Color = vbRed</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Color = vbWhite</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Size = 6</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Font.Bold = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .TextFrame2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.Characters.Text = IIf(I = 14, "P", Format(-I, "+##;-##"))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = msoAlignCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginLeft = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginTop = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginRight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginBottom = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .OnAction = "Click_Score"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> X = X + W</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub showactive()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Debug.Print</B></FONT> Selection.Interior.Color</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Set_Btn(X, Y, W, H, V)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>C<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Long</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Static Id: Id = IIf(Id > 999, 1, Id + 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, X, Y, W, H)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Name = "Joueur_" & Id</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Line.Weight = 0.25</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>V Like "tour*"<FONT class=comm color=green > ' vert foncé </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C = 2316088</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>IsNumeric(V)<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Vert Pastel </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C = 5287936</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>V = Val(ActiveSheet.Cbx_Numéros): C = 8696052</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>V.DisplayFormat.Font.Strikethrough<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Gris </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C = 10855845</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>V.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color = vbRed: C = vbRed</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT><FONT class=comm color=green > ' vert foncé </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> C = 3506772</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = C</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .TextFrame2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.Characters.Text = V</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = msoAlignCenter</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.Font.Size = 10</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TextRange.Font.Bold = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginLeft = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginTop = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginRight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .MarginBottom = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .OnAction = "Click_Result"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> X = X + W</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Public<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT> IsRegistered()<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> IsRegistered = [Supprimer].Visible</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Public<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT> IsWin()<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>[Resultat] = "G": IsWin = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>[Resultat] > 0: IsWin = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Function</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Suivi_Tour()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Nrows<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Long, N<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Long, NP<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Long</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Tirage_Done] = "OK" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.ScreenUpdating = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Rt = Worksheets("Tirages").Range("Tour_" & [Tour])</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Rt</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Parent.Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .EntireRow.Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .EntireColumn.Hidden = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> NP = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Columns(1), ">0")<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Nombre de Parties en tout pour le tour </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Nrows = 3</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>I = 2<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>.Rows.Count</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.Cells(I, 1).Value > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.Cells(I, 1).DisplayFormat.Font.Strikethrough <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> N = N + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Nrows = Nrows + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(I)) = 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>For</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Worksheets("Noter 1 RESULTAT")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DEVERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Resume</B></FONT></B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Ctl<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>.Shapes</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Ctl.Name Like "*Joueur*" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> Ctl.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>On Error </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> Error_Trap</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>BL, BT, BH, BW, R</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = .[J3].Top</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BH = 15</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BW = 15</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Id = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>R = 1<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>Nrows</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BL = .[J3].Left</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>R = 1<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Titre </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, (BW * 6) + 2, BH, Rt.Cells(1, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT + 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>R = 2<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Blanc </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Rt.Cells(R, 3) <> "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW * 2, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 3)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT - BH</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>R = 3<FONT class=comm color=green > ' Tête à tête </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Rt.Cells(R, 1) <> "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW * 2, BH, "TaT :"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL + 2, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 4)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT - BH</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>R = 4<FONT class=comm color=green > 'Doublette sup </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Rt.Cells(R, 1) <> "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BL = BL + BW</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 2)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BL = BL + 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 4)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 5)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT - BH</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT + 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>Worksheets("Tirages").[AM2] Like "*tête*"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BL = .[J3].Left + BW * 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL + 2, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, 4)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>C = 1<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> To </B></FONT>6</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Rt.Cells(R, C) <> "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Set_Btn BL, BT, BW, BH, Rt.Cells(R, C)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BL = BL + BW</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>C = 3 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> BL = BL + 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> BT = BT + BH</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .[J2] = "Parties restantes : " & NP - N</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>N = NP <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[Tour] < 4 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Le tour " & [Tour] & " est terminé" & vbLf & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Oui = passer au tour suivant" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Non = rester sur le tour", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> [Tour] = [Tour] + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>MsgBox("Le concours est terminé" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "Voulez-vous procéder au paiement ?", vbInformation + vbYesNo) = vbYes <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Inscrip").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > '[N_joueur].Activate </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Exit </B></FONT>Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Error_Trap:</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox Err.Number & vbLf & Err.Description</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Resume</B></FONT></B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Click_Score()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> V = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).OLEFormat.Object.Caption</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If IsNumeric(V) then [Resultat] = V </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Resultat] = V</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub Click_Result()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> V = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).OLEFormat.Object.Caption</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>IsNumeric(V) <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> ActiveSheet.Cbx_Numéros = Val(V)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Tour].Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub REDUIRE()<FONT class=comm color=green > 'les lignes inutilisées ou MONTRER les lignes utilisées >=30 </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Lig<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>[NBJR] < [Joueurs_en_D5].Rows.Count <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Lig = Application.Max(28, [Joueurs_en_D5].Rows([Joueurs_en_D5].Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Worksheets("INSCRIP").Rows(Lig & ":" & "135")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.RowHeight > 0 <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> .RowHeight = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> VERROU</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub PAIEMENTS()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>Largeur<FONT class=comm color=green > 'actuelle </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells(2, 19) = IIf(Cells(2, 19) = 0, 5.29, 0)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("M:O").ColumnWidth = Cells(2, 19)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> CADRER_INSCRIP</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub REPORT_DES_NOMS_AVEC_1()</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>J<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Integer</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Inscrip").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Enlever_Filtre</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].RowHeight = 28.5</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Offset(, -1).Resize(, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]="""",3,IF(RC[2]=""F"",0,IF(RC[2]=""Z"",2,1))+RAND())"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Offset(, -2).Resize(, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC4="""","""",ROW()-ROW(R4C4))"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' On supprime toutes les lignes de joueurs_en_d5 qui n'ont pas de commentaires </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>For </B></FONT>Each</B></FONT> Cell<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> In </B></FONT>[Joueurs_en_D5]</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>Cell.Comment<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Cell <> vbNullString <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cell.Resize(, 2).ClearContents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Next</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA([Joueurs_en_D5].Columns(1)) _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA([Joueurs_liste].Columns(1))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>N > [MAX_JR] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "Trop de joueurs" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N & " Inscrits" & vbLf & _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> "pour " & [MAX_JR] & " autorisés", vbCritical + vbOKOnly</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Nl = 0</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA([Joueurs_liste].Columns(1)) </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' on démarre la recherche à partir de la derniere cellule de la plage </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> F_Address = ""</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [Joueurs_liste].Columns(1).Cells([Joueurs_liste].Rows.Count)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [Joueurs_liste].Columns(1).Find(Coché, R, xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Do </B></FONT>While</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>R<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>F_Address = "" <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> F_Address = R.Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Nl = Nl + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' If Nl = 54 then Stop </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > ' Debug.Print Nl, " On cherche " & R.Offset(0, 2); </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>s = [Joueurs_en_D5].Find(R.Offset(0, 2))</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>s<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> Is </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> J = ([Joueurs_en_D5].Find(vbNullString, Range("D135")).Row - [Joueurs_en_D5].Row) + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Cells(J) = StrConv(R.Offset(0, 2), vbProperCase)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [Joueurs_en_D5].Cells(J).Offset(0, 1) = R.Offset(0, 3)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Debug.Print</B></FONT> " <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>found"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'R.Activate </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = [Joueurs_liste].Columns(1).Find(Coché, R, xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>R.Address = F_Address <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>R = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Nothing</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Loop</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [TRI_noms].Sort _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key1:=Range("E5"), Order1:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Key2:=Range("D5"), Order2:=xlAscending, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Header:=xlNo, OrderCustom:=1, Match<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case:</B></FONT>=<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT>, _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Usf_Mao_Ds.Show_Repaint</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.EnableEvents = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Application.<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Goto</B></FONT> [a1], <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> CADRER_INSCRIP</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub ShowTip(<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>Caption<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>String, B<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Object, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>X<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Single, <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>ByVal </B></FONT>Y<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Single)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=comm color=green > 'On Error ResumeNext </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>TT<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>TextBox</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>TT = ActiveSheet.Shapes("TipText").OLEFormat.Object</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> TT</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Select Case</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>B.Enabled: .Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT>(X > 2<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>X < B.Width - 4)<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>(Y > 2<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> And </B></FONT>Y < B.Height - 4)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT>.Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Caption = Caption</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Interior.Color = 13434879</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Left = B.Left + 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Top = B.Top - .Height - 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .AutoSize = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Case </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Select</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> DoEvents</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub IMPRIMER_LISTE_joueurs()<FONT class=comm color=green > 'LISTE forme ALPHA + forme NUMERIQUE </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>L<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Sheets("Inscrip").Activate</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>If </B></FONT><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Not </B></FONT>[Attrib] <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>then</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> MsgBox "L'attribution des N° n'ayant pas été faite," & vbLf _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> & "Une liste simple des Joueurs Inscrits va être éditée", _</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> vbCritical, "Important"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> IMPRIMER_LISTE_joueurs_Seuls</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Else</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>L = [Joueurs_en_D5].Columns(1).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> REDUIRE<FONT class=comm color=green > ' hauteur =0 si ligne vide </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ActiveSheet.PageSetup<FONT class=comm color=green > '=standard DS </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterHorizontally = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterVertically = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Orientation = xlPortrait</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Zoom = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .FitToPagesWide = 1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .PrintArea = "$AC$3:$AL$" & L.Row</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Print_Preview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End If</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Range("A1").Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px">Sub IMPRIMER_LISTE_joueurs_Seuls()<FONT class=comm color=green > 'LISTE forme ALPHA </FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Dim </B></FONT>L<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Range, Simple<FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B> As </B></FONT>Boolean</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> Sheets("Inscrip")</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>L = [Joueurs_en_D5].Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>Set </B></FONT>Plage = [Joueurs_en_D5].Rows("1:" & L.Row - [Joueurs_en_D5].Row + 1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N1 = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Plage.Rows.Count / 2, 0)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Temp").Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Temp").Select</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Delete</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Font.Size = 14</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Cells.Font.Name = "Calibri"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [a1] = "Nom Prénom"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> [a2].Resize(N1)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Value = Plage.Resize(N1).Value</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .Parent.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, .CurrentRegion, , xlYes)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Name = "Tableau1"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium6"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns.AutoFit</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> N2 = Plage.Rows.Count - N1</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> [C1] = "Nom Prénom"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> [C2].Resize(N2)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Value = Plage.Offset(N1).Resize(N2).Value</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> .Parent.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, .CurrentRegion, , xlYes)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Name = "Tableau2"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium6"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Columns.AutoFit</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Rows(1).RowHeight = Rows(1).RowHeight * 2</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 5</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> H = Application.Max(Columns("A").ColumnWidth, Columns("C").ColumnWidth)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("A").ColumnWidth = H</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Columns("C").ColumnWidth = H</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT> ActiveSheet.PageSetup</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterHorizontally = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>True</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .CenterVertically = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Orientation = xlPortrait</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .Zoom = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.196850393700787)</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .LeftFooter = "&""Calibri,Gras italique""&12 " & Plage.Rows.Count & " joueurs"</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> .PrintArea = [A:C].Resize(WorksheetFunction.Max(N1, 12) + 1).Address</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Print_Preview</P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> Worksheets("Temp").Visible = <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>False</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End <FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>With</B></FONT></B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"><FONT class=blue color=#2980b9 ><B>End Sub</B></FONT></P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P>
<P style="COLOR: black; MARGIN: 0px"> </P></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>