Les retours de @RyuAutodidacte ne sont pas très clairs dans la conversation privée qu'on a eu sur le sujet concernant Application.UsableWidth et Application.UsableHeight.avec application .width et application .height quand excel est maximisé te renvoie les dim en pixels
testé par notre ami ryu qui a confirmé mes soupçons
Sub a()
MsgBox ActiveWindow.Width & " x " & ActiveWindow.Height & vbCrLf & _
Application.Width & " x " & Application.Height & vbCrLf & _
Application.UsableWidth & " x " & Application.UsableHeight & vbCrLf & _
ActiveWindow.UsableWidth & " x " & ActiveWindow.UsableHeight
End Sub
'This example expands the active window to the maximum size available (assuming that the window isn't already maximized).
Sub b()
With ActiveWindow
.WindowState = xlNormal
.Top = 1
.Left = 1
.Height = Application.UsableHeight
.Width = Application.UsableWidth
End With
End Sub
Là tu fixes des points arbitrairement mais ils peuvent ne pas correspondre à la réalité car par exemple, on peut avoir plusieurs moniteurs en position négative ou positive.toi qui a deux écrans que donne
Eg=MonitorFromPoint(-10000, 1, &H2)
Ed= MonitorFromPoint(10000, 1, &H2)
Function GetMonitorMIs() As MONITORINFO()
Dim NbMIs As Integer
Dim hMonitor As LongPtr
Dim PreviousLeft As Long
'Look for monitors on the right of the primary monitor
Point.X = 0
Point.Y = 0
PreviousLeft = -1
Do While 1
hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(Point, 2)
MI.cbSize = Len(MI)
Call GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, MI)
If MI.rcMonitor.Left = PreviousLeft Then Exit Do
NbMIs = NbMIs + 1
ReDim Preserve TabMIs(1 To NbMIs)
TabMIs(NbMIs) = MI
PreviousLeft = MI.rcMonitor.Left
Point.X = Point.X + MI.rcMonitor.Right
'Look for monitors on the left of the primary monitor
Point.X = 0
Point.Y = 0
PreviousLeft = 1
Do While 1
hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(Point, 2)
MI.cbSize = Len(MI)
Call GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, MI)
If MI.rcMonitor.Left = PreviousLeft Then Exit Do
If Not Point.X = 0 Then
NbMIs = NbMIs + 1
ReDim Preserve TabMIs(1 To NbMIs)
TabMIs(NbMIs) = MI
End If
PreviousLeft = MI.rcMonitor.Left
Point.X = Point.X + MI.rcMonitor.Left - 1
'Return value
GetMonitorMIs = TabMIs
End Function
Très bonne idée.Pourquoi tu n'utilises pas la propriété du Userform ?
Sub a()
Dim S As String
S = "WindowState = "
Select Case Application.WindowState
Case xlMaximized
S = S & "xlMaximized"
Case xlMinimized
S = S & "xlMinimized"
Case xlNormal
S = S & "xlNormal"
Case Else
S = S & "Inconnu"
End Select
S = S & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"ActiveWindow:" & vbCrLf
With ActiveWindow
S = S & _
"Left: " & .Left & ", Top: " & .Top & ", Width: " & .Width & ", Height: " & .Height & vbCrLf & _
"UsableWidth: " & .UsableWidth & ", UsableHeight: " & .UsableHeight
End With
S = S & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Application:" & vbCrLf
With Application
S = S & _
"Left: " & .Left & ", Top: " & .Top & ", Width: " & .Width & ", Height: " & .Height & vbCrLf & _
"UsableWidth: " & .UsableWidth & ", UsableHeight: " & .UsableHeight
End With
MsgBox S
End Sub
Je ne m'en doutais pas mais c'est exact. StartupPosition = 2 adresse l'écran principal !!!utiliser le startupposition du userform n'est pas bonne non plus
puisque il s'affichera sur l’écran dit(principal)