Sub Tirages()
Range("B3:E" & Rows.Count).ClearContents 'RAZ
[B2] = Int(Val([B2])): [C2] = Int(Val([C2])): [D2] = Int(Val([D2])): [E2] = Int(Val([E2]))
If Application.CountIf([B2:E2], ">0") < 4 Then [B2:E2] = "": Exit Sub
Dim P As Range, pc&, boucle&, a$(), nmax&, i&, r, n, b$(), c$(), d$()
Set P = Range("A3", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
If P.Row < 3 Then Exit Sub
pc = P.Count
1 If boucle = 1000 Then MsgBox "Liste insuffisante ou valeurs trop grandes en B2:E2 !": Exit Sub
boucle = boucle + 1
'---Choix 1---
ReDim a(1 To pc, 1 To 1)
nmax = [B2]
n = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
r = Int(1 + pc * Rnd)
If a(r, 1) = "" Then n = n + 1: a(r, 1) = "X"
If n = nmax Then Exit For
If n < nmax Then boucle = 1000: GoTo 1
P.Columns(2) = a
'---Choix 2---
ReDim b(1 To pc, 1 To 1)
nmax = [C2]
n = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
r = Int(1 + pc * Rnd)
If a(r, 1) & b(r, 1) = "" Then n = n + 1: b(r, 1) = "X"
If n = nmax Then Exit For
If n < nmax Then GoTo 1
P.Columns(3) = b
'---Choix 3---
ReDim c(1 To pc, 1 To 1)
nmax = [D2]
n = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
r = Int(1 + pc * Rnd)
If a(r, 1) & b(r, 1) & c(r, 1) = "" Then n = n + 1: c(r, 1) = "X"
If n = nmax Then Exit For
If n < nmax Then GoTo 1
P.Columns(4) = c
'---Choix 4---
ReDim d(1 To pc, 1 To 1)
nmax = [E2]
n = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
r = Int(1 + pc * Rnd)
If a(r, 1) & b(r, 1) & c(r, 1) & d(r, 1) = "" Then n = n + 1: d(r, 1) = "X"
If n = nmax Then Exit For
If n < nmax Then GoTo 1
P.Columns(5) = d
End Sub