Sub Sauts_de_page()
Dim F As Worksheet, col1%, col2%, n&, deb&, lig&, test As Boolean, col%
Set F = Feuil1 'CodeName à adapter
col1 = F.UsedRange.Column
col2 = col1 + F.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1
F.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""
F.PageSetup.Zoom = False
F.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1
F.ResetAllPageBreaks 'RAZ
n = 1
1 For n = n To F.HPageBreaks.Count
If n = 1 Then deb = 2 Else deb = F.HPageBreaks(n - 1).Location.Row + 1
For lig = F.HPageBreaks(n).Location.Row To deb Step -1
test = True
For col = col1 To col2
If F.Cells(lig, col) <> "" Then If F.Cells(lig, col).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then test = False: Exit For
Next col
If test Then F.HPageBreaks.Add F.Rows(lig): n = n + 1: GoTo 1 'récursivité
Next lig, n
End Sub