Sub ColorMap()
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet ' Feuille
Dim lLine As Long ' Numéro de ligne
Dim loShape As Shape ' Forme
Dim lColor As Long ' Couleur
Dim Gap As Long ' Echelle
Gap = Int(Application.Max(Range("B:B")) / 8)
If Gap = 0 Then Gap = 1
' Feuille contenant la carte
Set oSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Répartition")
' Désactive le remplissage de la carte
oSheet.Shapes("CarteFrance").Fill.Visible = msoFalse
' Pour chaque ligne de Visites
For lLine = oSheet.UsedRange.Row + 1 To oSheet.UsedRange.Row + oSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= "" Then lColor = vbWhite
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= Gap Then lColor = vbWhite
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 2 * Gap Then lColor = 13209
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 2 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 3 * Gap Then lColor = 255
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 3 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 4 * Gap Then lColor = 39423
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 4 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 5 * Gap Then lColor = 65535
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 5 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 6 * Gap Then lColor = 52749
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 6 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 7 * Gap Then lColor = 52377
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 7 * Gap + 1 And oSheet.Cells(lLine, 3) <= 8 * Gap Then lColor = 26637
If oSheet.Cells(lLine, 2) >= 8 * Gap + 1 Then lColor = 16763904
' Parcours les départements de la carte
For Each loShape In oSheet.Shapes("CarteFrance").GroupItems
' Si la forme loShape a pour nom la valeur de la première colonne (l'identifiant FR-XX)
If loShape.Name = oSheet.Cells(lLine, 1) Then
' Réactive le remplissage de la forme
loShape.Fill.Visible = True
' Type de remplissage = couleur unie
' Pas de transparence
loShape.Fill.Transparency = 0#
' Couleur de remplissage
loShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lColor
' La forme a été trouvée => on sort de la boucle
Exit For
End If
For t = 1 To 9
Cells(35 + t, 3) = "'" & Gap * (t - 1) & "-" & Gap * t
Next t
End Sub