Sub Extraction()
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Dim TabChaine As Variant
TabChaine = Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(28, 2))
ReDim Preserve TabChaine(LBound(TabChaine, 1) To UBound(TabChaine, 1), LBound(TabChaine, 2) To UBound(TabChaine, 2) + 1)
For i = LBound(TabChaine, 1) To UBound(TabChaine, 1)
reg.Pattern = "(\d{4})(\s)(\d.*\d[\%]*)"
' Paramétrage :
reg.MultiLine = False: reg.IgnoreCase = False: reg.Global = False ' : MsgBox reg.Test(TabChaine(1, 1))
' Progamme
Set Matches = reg.Execute(TabChaine(i, 1)) ' reg.Execute("capacité")
For Each Match In Matches
TabChaine(i, 2) = Match.SubMatches(0)
Next Match
Next i
' Resultat
Cells(2, 4).Resize(UBound(TabChaine, 1), 1) = Application.Index(TabChaine, , 2): Cells(1, 4) = "Resultat"
End Sub