Option Compare Text 'la casse est ignorée
Function RechercheVBA$(plage As Range, cellule As Range, sep$)
If plage.Count = 1 Then
If plage <> "" Then If InStr(cellule, plage) Then RechercheVBA = plage
Exit Function
End If
Dim tablo, ub%, x$, i&, j%, y$
tablo = plage 'matrice, plus rapide
ub = UBound(tablo, 2)
x = cellule
For i = 1 To UBound(tablo)
For j = 1 To ub
y = tablo(i, j)
If y <> "" Then If InStr(x, y) Then RechercheVBA = RechercheVBA & sep & y
Next j, i
RechercheVBA = Mid(RechercheVBA, Len(sep) + 1)
End Function