Function lireCentaine(ByVal Montant As Double) As String
Dim ChiffreLettre
Dim Centaine As Double
Dim Dizaine As Double
Dim T As String
Dim Chaine As String
ChiffreLettre = Array("un", "deux", "trois", "quatre", "cinq", "six", _
"sept", "huit", "neuf", "dix", _
"onze", "douze", "treize", "quatorze", "quinze", _
"seize", "dix-sept", "dix-huit", "dix-neuf")
Centaine = Int(Montant / 100)
Select Case Centaine
Case 0
Chaine = ""
Case 1
Chaine = "cent"
Case Else
Chaine = ChiffreLettre(Centaine - 1) & " cent"
End Select
Dizaine = Modulo(Montant, 100)
Select Case Dizaine
Case 0
T = ""
Case 1 To 19
T = ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 1)
Case 20
T = "vingt"
Case 21
T = "vingt et un"
Case 22 To 29
T = "vingt " & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 21)
Case 30
T = "trente"
Case 31
T = "trente et un"
Case 32 To 39
T = "trente-" & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 31)
Case 40
T = "quarante"
Case 41
T = "quarante et un"
Case 42 To 49
T = "quarante-" & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 41)
Case 50
T = "cinquante"
Case 51
T = "cinquante et un"
Case 52 To 59
T = "cinquante-" & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 51)
Case 60
T = "soixante"
Case 61
T = "soixante et un"
Case 62 To 69
T = "soixante-" & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 61)
Case 70
T = "soixante-dix"
Case 71
T = "soixante et onze"
Case 72 To 79
T = "soixante-" & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 61)
Case 80
T = "quatre-vingts"
Case 81 To 89
T = "quatre-vingt " & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 81)
Case 90 To 99
T = "quatre-vingt " & ChiffreLettre(Dizaine - 81)
Case Else
T = "Erreur de conversion !"
End Select
If (Chaine & " " & T) = " " Then
lireCentaine = ""
lireCentaine = LTrim(Chaine & " ") & T
End If
End Function
Function Modulo(ByVal Nombre As Double, ByVal Diviseur As Double) As Double
Modulo = Nombre - (Diviseur * Int(Nombre / Diviseur))
End Function
Function Arrondir(ByVal ValeurArrondi As Double, ByVal NbreDeci As Integer) As Double
Arrondir = ValeurArrondi + (5 * 10 ^ -(NbreDeci + 1))
Arrondir = Int(Arrondir * 10 ^ NbreDeci) / 10 ^ NbreDeci
End Function
Function NbreLettres(ByVal Total As Double) As String
Dim Millions As Double
Dim Milliers As Double
Dim cent As Double
Dim decimales As Double
Dim T0 As String
Dim T1 As String
Dim T2 As String
Dim T3 As String
Dim Resultat As String
Dim T As String
Dim S1, S2 As String
Total = Arrondir(Total, 2)
Millions = Int(Modulo(Int(Total / 1000000), 1000))
Milliers = Int(Modulo(Int(Total / 1000), 1000))
cent = Int(Modulo(Total, 1000))
decimales = Arrondir((Modulo(Total * 100, 100)), 0)
S1 = ""
S2 = ""
If cent <= 1 Then
If Milliers < 1 Then
S1 = "s"
End If
S1 = "s"
End If
If decimales <= 1 Then S2 = "" Else S2 = "s"
T0 = lireCentaine(Millions)
T1 = lireCentaine(Milliers)
T2 = lireCentaine(cent)
T3 = lireCentaine(decimales)
If (T0 = "" And T1 = "" And T3 = "" And Right(T2, 5) = "cent ") Then
If cent > 100 Then T2 = RTrim(T2) & "s"
End If
If T0 <> "" Then
Resultat = T0 & " millions "
If T1 = "" And T2 = "" And T3 = "" Then
Resultat = T0 & " millions d'euros"
End If
Resultat = ""
End If
If T1 <> "" Then
If T1 = "un" Then
T1 = ""
End If
Resultat = Resultat & T1 & " mille "
Resultat = Resultat & ""
End If
If T2 <> "" Then
Resultat = Resultat & T2 & " euros"
If Resultat <> "" Then
Resultat = Resultat
End If
End If
If T3 <> "" Then
If Resultat <> "" Then
Resultat = Resultat & " et " & T3 & " centimes"
Resultat = T3
End If
End If
NbreLettres = Resultat
End Function
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