XLDnaute Barbatruc
Oui, enfin libéré de cette galère....
Créer ou modifier SaveZoneInformation DWORD
(delete) or 0 = Enable (To Enable Downloaded Files from being Blocked for All Users)
1 = Disable (To Disable Downloaded Files from being Blocked for All Users)
Pour ne pas avoir à débloquer mettre la valeur de SaveZoneInformation DWORD à 1
How to Disable Downloaded Files from being Blocked in Windows
How to Disable Downloaded Files from being Blocked in Windows Information The Attachment Manager is included in Windows to help protect your PC from unsafe attachments that you might rece
Créer ou modifier SaveZoneInformation DWORD
(delete) or 0 = Enable (To Enable Downloaded Files from being Blocked for All Users)
1 = Disable (To Disable Downloaded Files from being Blocked for All Users)
Pour ne pas avoir à débloquer mettre la valeur de SaveZoneInformation DWORD à 1