Sub Recherche()
Dim t1$, t2$, t3$, w As Worksheet, tablo, ncol%, i&, j%, x$, n&, mes$
t1 = "*###-###-#*"
t2 = "*####-###-#*"
t3 = "*###-###-##*"
For Each w In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'étude du classeur actif
tablo = w.Range("A1:A2", w.UsedRange) 'matrice, plus rapide
ncol = UBound(tablo, 2)
For i = 1 To UBound(tablo)
For j = 1 To ncol
x = CStr(tablo(i, j))
If x Like t1 And Not x Like t2 And Not x Like t3 Then _
n = n + 1: mes = mes & vbLf & w.Cells(i, j).Address(0, 0, , True)
Next j, i, w
MsgBox IIf(n, n & " cellules :" & vbLf & mes, "Aucun résultat"), , "Résultat de la recherche"
End Sub