Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim Z&, dpi#, x&, y&
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("i3:i20")) Is Nothing Then
With ActiveWindow.ActivePane
Z = (ActiveWindow.Zoom) / 100
dpi = ((((.PointsToScreenPixelsY(72) - .PointsToScreenPixelsY(0)) / 72) / Z) * 72)
x = Round(.PointsToScreenPixelsX(Target.Offset(, 1).Left) - 1 * (dpi / 100), 0)
y = Round(.PointsToScreenPixelsY(Target.Offset(1).Top) - 2 * (dpi / 100), 0)
End With
Target.Value = Trim(Target.Value) & IIf(Right(Trim(Target.Value), 1) = "-", " ", " - ")
ExecuteExcel4Macro ("CALL(""user32"",""SetCursorPos"",""JJJJJ""," & x & ", " & y & ")")
ExecuteExcel4Macro ("CALL(""user32"",""mouse_event"",""JJJJJJ""," & &H2 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ")")
ExecuteExcel4Macro ("CALL(""user32"",""mouse_event"",""JJJJJJ""," & &H4 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ", " & 0 & ")")
End If
End Sub