XLDnaute Barbatruc
pour ceux qui voudraient la même en version "US" avec le même moteur
pour ceux qui voudraient la même en version "US" avec le même moteur
Sub test()
Debug.Print NblettreUS(25378952.75)
Debug.Print NblettreUS(1000.75)
End Sub
Function NblettreUS(chain As String) As String
Dim t, dixx&, dix&, cxx&, u&, Part, ms, m, Ul, Diz, n&, I&, seg$, cc$, et$, Ss$, R$, md$, dollar$, cent$
Ul = Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", "hundred")
Diz = Array("", "Ten", "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety ")
ms = Array("", " vigintillion", " novemdecillion", " octodecillion", " septendecillion", " sexdecillion", " quindecillion", " quattuordecillion", " tredecillion", " duodecillion", " undecillion", " decillion", " nonillion", " octillion", " septillion", " sextillion", " quintillion", " quadrillion", " trillion", " billion", " million", " thousand", "")
If LCase(chain) Like "*[a-z|:|;|/|\]*" Then NblettreUS = "Invalid Chaine!!": Exit Function
Part = Split(chain, ","): If Len(Part(0)) > 66 Then NblettreUS = "OutOFF(CAR*66)!!": Exit Function
dollar = "dollar" & IIf(Part(0) > 1, "s", "")
dollar = IIf(UBound(Part) > 0, dollar & " and ", "")
cent = IIf(UBound(Part) > 0, "Cent", ""): If UBound(Part) > 0 Then If Part(1) = 0 Then Part = Array(Part(0)): cent = "": dollar = Replace(dollar, "and", "")
For n = LBound(Part) To UBound(Part)
t = Split(Trim(Format(String((300 - Len(Part(n))) Mod 3, "0") & Part(n), WorksheetFunction.Rept(" @@@", Len(String((300 - Len(Part(n))) Mod 3, "0") & Part(n)) / 3))))
If n = 1 Then If Len(Part(1)) = 1 Then t = Array("0" & Part(1) & "0") 'ajustement centime(0.5 = 0.50)
m = UBound(ms) - UBound(t)
For I = LBound(t) To UBound(t)
cxx = Left(t(I), 1): dixx = Right(t(I), 2): dix = Mid(t(I), 2, 1): u = Right(t(I), 1)
If cxx = 1 Then cxx = 20: cc = "" Else cc = IIf(cxx > 0, " hundred ", "")
If dixx > 9 And dixx < 20 Then dix = 0: u = u + 10
md = ms(m):
R = R & Application.Trim(Ul(cxx) & cc & Diz(dix) & et & Ul(u)) & Ss & IIf(Val(t(I)) > 0, md, "") & " "
m = m + 1
If Val(Part(0)) = 0 Then dollar = ""
R = R & IIf(n = 0, dollar, cent): If n = 1 Then If Part(1) > 1 Then R = R & "s" & IIf(Part(0) = 0, " dollar", "")
If Trim(R) = "" Then R = ""
Next n
NblettreUS = Application.Trim(R)
End Function