Sub Transfert()
'se lance par les touches Ctrl + T
Dim Fdest As Worksheet, c As Range, tablo, s
Set Fdest = Sheets("RdV_transfert TEST")
If Fdest.FilterMode Then Fdest.ShowAllData 'si la feuille est filtrée
Set c = Fdest.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2) '1ère cellule vide
If c.Row < 3 Then Set c = Fdest.[A3]
If ActiveCell.Row < 3 Or ActiveCell.Column <> 15 Or IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then Exit Sub
c = ActiveCell 'copie la valeur
On Error Resume Next 'si des recherches n'aboutissent paz
With c.Resize(, 11)
tablo = .Value 'matrice, plus rapis
s = Split(tablo(1, 1), " - ")
tablo(1, 2) = Right(s(9), 16)
tablo(1, 3) = CDate(Left(s(9), 8))
tablo(1, 6) = Trim(Split(s(0), ":")(1))
tablo(1, 7) = "" 'à préciser
tablo(1, 8) = s(2)
tablo(1, 9) = "" 'à préciser
tablo(1, 10) = Trim(Split(s(0), ":")(0))
tablo(1, 11) = "" 'à préciser
.WrapText = True 'renvoi à la ligne
.Value = tablo 'restitution
.Rows.AutoFit 'ajustement hauteur
End With
MsgBox "Transfert effectué"
End Sub