Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim tablo, resu(), cible, i&, n&
With Sheets("data")
If Target.Address = "$A$6" Then
.[D3].CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Offset(1).Copy .[P1]
.[P1].CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates 1, xlNo
.[P1].CurrentRegion.Name = "Liste1"
Target.Validation.Add xlValidateList, Formula1:="=Liste1" 'plage nommée
ElseIf Target.Address = "$B$6" Then
If Application.CountIf(.[D3].CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Offset(1), Target(1, 0)) = 0 Then _
Target(1, 0).Select: CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SendKeys "%{DOWN}": Exit Sub 'déroule la liste
.[D3].CurrentRegion.AutoFilter 1, Target(1, 0) 'filtre automatique
.[D3].CurrentRegion.Columns(2).Offset(1).Copy .[R1]
.AutoFilterMode = False 'ôte le filtre
tablo = .[R1].CurrentRegion.Resize(, 2) 'matrice, plus rapide, au moins 2 éléments
ReDim resu(1 To UBound(tablo), 1 To 1)
cible = Target
For i = 1 To UBound(tablo)
If InStr(tablo(i, 1), cible) Then n = n + 1: resu(n, 1) = tablo(i, 1)
Next i
If n Then
.[T1].Resize(n) = resu
.[T1].Resize(n).Name = "Liste2" 'plage nommée
Target.Validation.Add xlValidateList, Formula1:="=Liste2"
Target.Validation.ShowError = False
If Target <> "" Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SendKeys "%{DOWN}" 'déroule la liste
MsgBox "Pas de correspondance..."
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$6" Then If Target = "" Then [B6:C6] = ""
If Target.Address <> "$B$6" Then Exit Sub
Target(1, 2).Select: Target.Select 'lance la macro Worksheet_SelectionChange
Dim c As Range
Set c = Sheets("data").Columns(5).Find(Target, , xlValues, xlWhole)
Target(1, 2) = "" 'RAZ
If c Is Nothing Or Target = "" Then Exit Sub
Target(1, 2) = c(1, 2)
If c(1, 2).Hyperlinks.Count Then Hyperlinks.Add Target(1, 2), "", c(1, 2).Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress
End Sub