Private Sub Cbx_Mois_AfterUpdate()
Dim col As Variant, tablo, i&, v, liste(), n&
col = Application.Match(Cbx_Mois, [BASE_MOIS], 0)
If IsError(col) Then Exit Sub
tablo = [BASE_MOIS].CurrentRegion 'matrice, plus rapide
For i = 2 To UBound(tablo)
v = tablo(i, col + 1)
If v <> 0 And v <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve liste(n) 'base 0
liste(n) = tablo(i, 1)
n = n + 1
End If
If n Then Tri liste, 0, n - 1: Cbx_Salariés.List = liste 'liste triée
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Label_Année = [ANNEE]
Cbx_Mois.List = Application.Transpose([BASE_MOIS])
Cbx_Mois.ListIndex = Month(Date) - 1
End Sub