Option Explicit
Public Const latitude0 = 45.14
Public Const longitude0 = -5.2
Public Const Echelle = 8
Sub USF(Optional X As Byte)
Dim code As String, lig As Integer
Dim S As String
code = Application.Caller
With Sheets("Data")
lig = Application.Match(code, .Columns(3), 0)
S = .Cells(lig, "B") & " - " & .Cells(lig, "C") & vbCrLf & "Adhérents= " & .Cells(lig, "G")
MsgBox S, , "Canton : " & .Cells(lig, "D")
End With
End Sub
Sub colorer_zone()
Dim Colorimetre
Dim couleur As Long, Rouge As Integer, Vert As Integer, Bleu As Integer
Dim derlig As Integer, lig As Integer
Dim zone As String, score As Integer
'Colorimetre = Array(RGB(255, 255, 224), RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 224, 0), _
' RGB(255, 192, 0), RGB(255, 160, 0), RGB(255, 128, 0), _
' RGB(255, 96, 0), RGB(255, 64, 0), RGB(255, 32, 0), _
' RGB(192, 32, 0))
With Sheets("Data")
derlig = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For lig = 2 To derlig
zone = .Cells(lig, "C").Value
score = .Cells(lig, "G").Value
If score > 0 Then
'Sheets("Carte").Shapes.Range(Array(zone)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = Colorimetre(def_color(score))
couleur = Sheets("Carte").Cells(26 - def_color(score), "B").Interior.Color
Rouge = Int(couleur Mod 256)
Vert = Int((couleur Mod 65536) / 256)
Bleu = Int(couleur / 65536)
Sheets("Carte").Shapes.Range(Array(zone)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(Rouge, Vert, Bleu)
End If
Next lig
End With
End Sub
Sub dessin_carte()
Dim couleur, indexcouleur As Byte, C As Variant
Dim Sepa As String, dept() As String, ville As String
Dim lig As Integer, i As Integer, j As Long
Dim longitude() As Double, latitude() As Double
Dim S As String, tablo() As String
Dim nbpoint As Byte, fin As Byte, virgule As Byte
Dim Xmin As Double, Xmax As Double, Ymin As Double, Ymax As Double
Dim shTxt As Object
'couleur = Array(RGB(204, 255, 255), RGB(204, 255, 204), RGB(255, 255, 204), RGB(255, 204, 204))
'couleur = Array(RGB(188, 207, 250), RGB(152, 212, 200), RGB(146, 213, 76), _
RGB(227, 246, 141), RGB(245, 225, 110), RGB(250, 196, 0), _
RGB(255, 136, 16), RGB(254, 0, 0), RGB(194, 0, 0))
couleur = Array(RGB(240, 240, 240), RGB(220, 220, 220), RGB(200, 200, 200), _
RGB(180, 180, 180), RGB(160, 160, 160), RGB(140, 140, 140), _
RGB(120, 120, 120), RGB(100, 100, 100), RGB(90, 90, 90), _
RGB(256, 256, 256))
indexcouleur = 0
Sepa = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)
lig = Sheets("Data").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim dept(lig)
For j = 2 To lig
ville = Sheets("Data").Cells(j, "C").Value
dept(j) = Sheets("Data").Cells(j, "D").Value
If dept(j) <> dept(j - 1) Then
indexcouleur = indexcouleur + 1
If indexcouleur = UBound(couleur) + 1 Then indexcouleur = 0
End If
S = Sheets("Data").Cells(j, "E").Value
tablo = Split(S, "[")
ReDim longitude(UBound(tablo))
ReDim latitude(UBound(tablo))
nbpoint = 0
Xmin = 2000
Ymin = 2000
Ymax = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(tablo)
fin = InStr(1, tablo(i), "]")
If fin > 0 Then
nbpoint = nbpoint + 1
virgule = InStr(1, tablo(i), ",")
longitude(nbpoint) = (longitude0 + CDbl(Replace(Mid(tablo(i), 1, virgule - 1), ".", Sepa))) * 44.4 * Echelle
latitude(nbpoint) = (latitude0 - CDbl(Replace(Mid(tablo(i), virgule + 1, fin - virgule - 1), ".", Sepa))) * 67.5 * Echelle
If longitude(nbpoint) < Xmin Then Xmin = longitude(nbpoint)
If latitude(nbpoint) < Ymin Then Ymin = latitude(nbpoint)
If latitude(nbpoint) > Ymax Then Ymax = latitude(nbpoint)
End If
Next i
With Sheets("Carte").Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, longitude(1), latitude(1))
For i = 2 To nbpoint
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, longitude(i), latitude(i)
Next i
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, longitude(1), latitude(1)
Selection.Name = ville
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = couleur(indexcouleur)
Selection.OnAction = "USF"
End With
Set shTxt = Sheets("Carte").Shapes.AddTextbox(1, Xmin, Ymin - 6 + (Ymax - Ymin) / 2, 50, 20) 'Set shTxt = Sheets("Carte").Shapes.AddTextbox(1, Xmin, Ymin - 6 + (Ymax - Ymin) / 2, 40, 10)
With shTxt.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters
.Text = ville
.Font.Size = 6
End With
shTxt.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
shTxt.Line.Visible = msoFalse
shTxt.Name = ville
shTxt.OnAction = "USF"
Next j
End Sub
Sub efface()
Dim sh As Shape
For Each sh In Sheets("Carte").Shapes
If (Left(sh.Name, 6) <> "Bouton") Then sh.Delete
Next sh
End Sub
Function def_color(score As Integer) As Byte
def_color = 0
If score > 0 And score <= 100 Then def_color = Int(score / 10)
End Function