Private Sub BtModifProduit_Click()
With Range("TbProduit").ListObject
If LstProduit.ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de Ligne à Modifier": Exit Sub
TBL = Array(TxtLibelle, TxtCodeArticle, TxtPrixVente, TxtCdt, TxtGencod, TxtCodeLM, TxtPvLM, TxtCodeAPEX, TxtPvAPEX, TxtCodeGAMMVERT, _
TxtPvGAMMVERT, TxtCodeAUCHAN, TxtPvAUCHAN, TxtGencodTRUFF, TxtCodeTRUFF, TxtPvTRUFF, TxtPvCactusClub, TxtPvParticulier, ChbECommPro)
For I = 1 To UBound(TBL) - 1
If IsNumeric(TBL(I)) > 0 Then TBL(I) = CDbl(TBL(I))
.ListRows(LstProduit.ListIndex + 1).Range.Value = TBL
'on modifie la ligne selectionnée
End With
Alimenter_List LstProduit, Range("TbProduit").Value 'on remet la listbox a jour automatiquement
TxtLibelle = "": TxtCodeArticle = "": TxtPrixVente = "": TxtCdt = "": TxtGencod = "": TxtCodeLM = "": TxtPvLM = "": TxtCodeAPEX = "": _
TxtPvAPEX = "": TxtCodeGAMMVERT = "": TxtPvGAMMVERT = "": TxtCodeAUCHAN = "": TxtPvAUCHAN = "": TxtGencodTRUFF = "": TxtCodeTRUFF = "": _
TxtPvTRUFF = "": TxtPvCactusClub = "": TxtPvParticulier = "": ChbECommPro = "":
LstProduit.ListIndex = -1
End Sub