For ligne = 2 To Sheets("Liste_tableaux").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
num_tab = Sheets("Liste_tableaux").Cells(ligne, 1).Value
lg = .Tables(num_tab).Rows.Count
cl = .Tables(num_tab).Columns.Count
ReDim T(1 To lg, 1 To cl)
For j = 1 To lg
For k = 1 To cl
S = ""
If Not Exist_cell(num_tab, j, k) Then
S = WordDoc.Tables(num_tab).Cell(j, k).Range.text
S = Replace(Replace(S, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), Chr(10))
T(j, k) = S
End If
Next k
Next j
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Import").Cells(3, 1 + n_col).Resize(UBound(T, 1), UBound(T, 2)) = T
Range(Cells(2, 1 + n_col), Cells(2, 3 + n_col)).MergeCells = True
Sheets("Import").Cells(2, 1 + n_col).Select
'MsgBox "Num_tab : " & Num_tab
Mise_en_forme_tab (num_tab)
n_col = n_col + 4
Next ligne