modif code QR


XLDnaute Nouveau
Bonjour a tous,

J ai trouvé ce code pour generer un code qr sous excel, il fonctionne bien mais mais j ais un petit souci.

J'aimerais pouvoir le generer dans des cellules de la feuil1 et non dans une nouvelle feuille de facon aléatoire.

Si quelqu un a la solution, parce que ce que j ai essayé ne marche pas.

Je joins le code :

Sub getQR()
' getQR Macro
Dim resource As String
'filter out non-text cells (remove this line if you want to return QR codes for other cell types)
Set sel = Selection.SpecialCells(xlTextValues)
'add a new sheet for the output
Set news = Worksheets.Add()
news.Name = "QR codes"
Set op = news.Range("A1")
'do da biz
For Each acc In sel
resource = acc.Value
'technically you should probably escape the string, but it works without
resource = "" & resource
'140,140 is the size of the shape. This was arbitrary and is probably wrong :)
'using a shape is a hack to avoid a problem with Office 2007 not inserting pics from web resources
Set newshape = news.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, op.Left, op.Top, 140, 140)
'name it in case we want to use it again later (we don't use this at the moment though)
newshape.Name = resource
'get rid of the surrounding line
newshape.Line.Visible = False
'load that there QR code up into the graphic
newshape.Fill.UserPicture (resource)
'move to the next position on the output sheet
Set op = op.Offset(11, 0).Range("A1")
op.Value = acc.Value
Set op = op.Offset(2, 0).Range("E1")

End Sub

Merci pour votre aide.
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