Sub moisTemps()
'- graphique mensuel -
'- Temperature -
Set F1 = Worksheets(Feuil11.Name)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim mois As Integer, Année As Long, Plage As Range, i As Integer
Select Case UserForm2.mois1.Value
Case "Janvier"
mois = 1
Case "Fevrier"
mois = 2
Case "Mars"
mois = 3
Case "Avril"
mois = 4
Case "Mai"
mois = 5
Case "Juin"
mois = 6
Case "Juillet"
mois = 7
Case "Aout"
mois = 8
Case "Septembre"
mois = 9
Case "Octobre"
mois = 10
Case "Novembre"
mois = 11
Case "Déscembre"
mois = 12
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
Année = UserForm2.année1.Value
If Année = 0 Then Exit Sub
With Sheets("Données")
i = 2
While .Cells(i, 1) <> ""
If Month(.Cells(i, 1)) = mois And Year(.Cells(i, 1)) = Année Then
If Plage Is Nothing Then
Set Plage = Union(.Cells(i, 3), .Cells(i, 4), .Cells(i, 14)) '--- choix des colonnes --
Set Plage = Union(Plage, .Cells(i, 3), .Cells(i, 4), .Cells(i, 14)) '--- choix des colonnes ---
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End With
If Plage Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Il n'y a pas de valeurs à cette date !", vbExclamation, "Erreur"
Exit Sub
End If
'--- Type de graphique ---
With ActiveChart
.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
.SetSourceData Source:=Plage, PlotBy:=xlColumns
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=F1.Name
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = Plage.Cells(1, 1).Value
.MaximumScale = Plage.Cells(Plage.Rows.Count, 1).Value
End With
fichier = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "graphef1.gif"
Graph.Export Filename:=fichier, FilterName:="GIF"
UserForm2.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fichier)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub