Sub For_X_to_Next_Colonne()
Dim TE(), LE&, CE&, TS(), LS&, CS& ' Partout les 1ères lettres
' de Taleau, Ligne, Colonne, Entrée, Sortie.
TE = Intersect(Feuil1.[D5:XFD1048576], Feuil1.UsedRange).Value
ReDim TS(1 To UBound(TE, 1) * UBound(TE, 2), 1 To 6)
For CE = 5 To UBound(TE, 2) - 1
For LE = 3 To UBound(TE, 1) - 1
If TE(LE, CE) <> 0 Then
LS = LS + 1
TS(LS, 1) = TE(1, CE)
For CS = 2 To 5: TS(LS, CS) = TE(LE, CS - 1): Next CS
TS(LS, 6) = TE(LE, CE)
End If: Next LE, CE
With Feuil2.[B2].Resize(LS, 6)
.Columns(1).Resize(, 5).NumberFormat = "@"
.Columns(6).NumberFormat = "0.00"
.Value = TS
End With
End Sub