Sub RegCSV()
Dim Plage As Range, oL As Range, oC As Range
Dim Tmp As String, FileName As String
Dim NumFile As Integer
With ActiveSheet
FileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Replace(.Name, " ", "_") & Format(Now, "\_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss") & ".csv"
Set Plage = Intersect(.Range("C42:O51"), .Range("DonneeFactuelle2").CurrentRegion)
End With
NumFile = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Output As #NumFile
For Each oL In Plage.Rows
Tmp = ""
For Each oC In oL.Cells
Tmp = Tmp & CStr(oC.Text) & ";"
Print #NumFile, Tmp
Close #NumFile
End Sub