Sub SelectCF()
'se lance par le raccourci Ctrl+C
Dim r As Range, lig&, decal&, dest As Range
ActiveCell.Activate 'au cas où Selection n'est pas un Range
Set r = Intersect(Selection, [C:F], ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
If r Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
lig = Abs(Int(Val(InputBox("Numéro de ligne du collage :"))))
If lig = 0 Then Exit Sub
decal = lig - Selection(1).Row
For Each r In r 'si sélection multiple
Set dest = r(1, 8).Offset(decal)
If Not Cells(r.Row, 3).Validation Is Nothing And Not Cells(dest.Row, 10).Validation Is Nothing Then dest = r
End Sub
Sub SelectJM()
'se lance par le raccourci Ctrl+J
Dim r As Range, lig&, decal&, dest As Range
ActiveCell.Activate 'au cas où Selection n'est pas un Range
Set r = Intersect(Selection, [J:M], ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
If r Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
lig = Abs(Int(Val(InputBox("Numéro de ligne du collage :"))))
If lig = 0 Then Exit Sub
decal = lig - Selection(1).Row
For Each r In r 'si sélection multiple
Set dest = r(1, -6).Offset(decal)
If Not Cells(r.Row, 10).Validation Is Nothing And Not Cells(dest.Row, 3).Validation Is Nothing Then dest = r