Sub test()
MsgBox similaire("patricktoulon", "patrick toulon") & "%"
MsgBox similaire("patricktoulon", "patricktoulouse") & "%"
MsgBox similaire("jean-yve dupont", "dupont jean-yve") & "%"
End Sub
Public Function similaire(ByVal s1 As String, ByVal s2 As String) As Double
Const cFacteur As Long = &H100&, cMaxLen As Long = 256& 'Longueur maxi autorisée des chaines analysées
Dim l1 As Long, l2 As Long, c1 As Long, c2 As Long
Dim r() As Integer, rp() As Integer, rpp() As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim c As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer, f1 As Integer, f2 As Integer
Dim dls As String, ac1() As Byte, ac2() As Byte
Dim px As Double, p As Double, oz As Long
Dim t1, t2
'analyse dans un ordre different
If s1 = s2 Then similaire = 100: Exit Function
t1 = Split(Replace(s1, "-", " "), " "): t2 = Split(Replace(s1, "-", " "), " ")
If UBound(t2) > UBound(t1) Then tbl = t12: s2 = s1 Else tbl = t1
If IsArray(tbl) Then
If UBound(tbl) > 1 Then
p = 100 / (UBound(tbl) + 1)
For oz = 0 To UBound(tbl): px = px + IIf(s2 Like "*" & tbl(oz) & "*", p, -p): Next
If px = 100 Then similaire = 100: Exit Function
End If
End If
'analyse binaire
l1 = Len(s1): l2 = Len(s2)
If l1 > 0 And l1 <= cMaxLen And l2 > 0 And l2 <= cMaxLen Then
ac1 = s1: ac2 = s2 'conversion des chaines en tableaux de bytes
'Initialise la ligne précédente (rp) de la matrice
ReDim rp(0 To l2)
For i = 0 To l2: rp(i) = i: Next i
For i = 1 To l1
'Initialise la ligne courante de la matrice
ReDim r(0 To l2): r(0) = i
'Calcul le CharCode du caractère courant de la chaine
f1 = (i - 1) * 2: c1 = ac1(f1 + 1) * cFacteur + ac1(f1)
For j = 1 To l2
f2 = (j - 1) * 2: c2 = ac2(f2 + 1) * cFacteur + ac2(f2)
c = -(c1 <> c2) 'Cout : True = -1 => c = 1
'suppression, insertion, substitution
x = rp(j) + 1: y = r(j - 1) + 1: z = rp(j - 1) + c
If x < y Then
If x < z Then r(j) = x Else r(j) = z
If y < z Then r(j) = y Else r(j) = z
End If
If i > 1 And j > 1 And c = 1 Then
If c1 = ac2(f2 - 1) * cFacteur + ac2(f2 - 2) And c2 = ac1(f1 - 1) * cFacteur + ac1(f1 - 2) Then
If r(j) > rpp(j - 2) + c Then r(j) = rpp(j - 2) + c
End If
End If
Next j
'Reculer d'un niveau la ligne précédente (rp) et courante (r)
rpp = rp: rp = r
Next i
'Calcul la similarité via la distance entre les chaines r(l2)
If l1 >= l2 Then dls = 1 - r(l2) / l1 Else dls = 1 - r(l2) / l2
ElseIf l1 > cMaxLen Or l2 > cMaxLen Then
dls = -1 'indique un dépassement de longueur de chaine
ElseIf l1 = 0 And l2 = 0 Then
dls = 1 'cas particulier
End If
similaire = dls * 100
End Function