Microsoft 365 Création d'un nouvel onglet du ruban en vba et y attacher 4 macros complémentaires (MAC et PC)


XLDnaute Impliqué

j'ai beau chercher partout mais je ne trouve de solution pour le moment …

Comme l'onglet "Acceuil" qui existe dans le ruban, je cherche à pourvoir créer par vba un nouvel onglet "TOTO" et y insérer 4 macros, provenant d'un complément Excel d'un fichier xlam déjà insérer par macro :
Sub Add_AddIn() 'version Mac (peut être PC aussi pouvez vous confirmer SVP)
Dim addInPath As String
    addInPath = "MonChemin/TEST.xlam"
    AddIns.Add addInPath
    AddIns("TEST").Installed = True '
End Sub
Le but est de pourvoir faire une automatisation d'installation sur plusieurs utilisateurs Mac et PC

merci d'avance pour vos réponses



XLDnaute Impliqué


XLDnaute Barbatruc
a ben maintenant je les integre directement dans le fichier xl
avant avec la version 2020 oui je mettais les callback dans un fichier txt
et je copiais du fichier dans un module

alors le xml du switchGroup
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab-1" label="mes menu switchables">
                <group id="group_1" label="ACCEUIL">
                    <button id="button_1" onAction="button_1_Click" label="menu1"/>
                    <button id="button_2" onAction="button_2_Click" label="menu2"/>
                    <button id="button_3" onAction="button_3_Click" label="menu3"/>
                <group id="group_2" label="menu 1" getVisible="group_2_Getvisible">
                    <button id="button_4" onAction="button_4_Click" imageMso="NameCreateFromSelection" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_5" onAction="button_5_Click" imageMso="ViewDocumentActionsPane" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_6" onAction="button_6_Click" imageMso="WatchWindow" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_7" onAction="button_7_Click" imageMso="UpgradeWorkbook" size="large"/>
                <group id="group_3" label="menu 2" getVisible="group_3_Getvisible">
                    <button id="button_8" onAction="button_8_Click" imageMso="EditQuery" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_9" onAction="button_9_Click" imageMso="BrightnessLess" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_10" onAction="button_10_Click" imageMso="SpeakStop" size="large"/>
                <group id="group_4" label="menu 3" getVisible="group_4_Getvisible">
                    <button id="button_11" onAction="button_11_Click" imageMso="QueryParameters" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_12" onAction="button_12_Click" imageMso="NameCreateFromSelection" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_13" onAction="button_13_Click" imageMso="XmlDataRefresh" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_14" onAction="button_14_Click" imageMso="TableStylesGalleryExcel" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_15" onAction="button_15_Click" imageMso="InkColorMoreColorsDialog" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_16" onAction="button_16_Click" imageMso="DataValidationClearValidationCircles" size="large"/>

les callbacks
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Public ActiVmenu&
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set myRibbon = ribbon
 End Sub
Sub refresh()
myRibbon.InvalidateControl ("group_2")
myRibbon.InvalidateControl ("group_3")
myRibbon.InvalidateControl ("group_4")
End Sub
'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_1''  Label:''menu1'']
'dans le parent [group_1''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_1_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
ActiVmenu = 1
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_2''  Label:''menu2'']
'dans le parent [group_1''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_2_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
ActiVmenu = 2
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_3''  Label:''menu3'']
'dans le parent [group_1''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_3_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
ActiVmenu = 3
End Sub

'procedure("getvisible") du group[ID:''group_2''  Label:''menu 1'']
'dans le parent [tab-1''  Label:''mes menu switchables'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub group_2_Getvisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
 returnedVal = ActiVmenu = 1
End Sub
'procedure("getvisible") du group[ID:''group_3''  Label:''menu 2'']
'dans le parent [tab-1''  Label:''mes menu switchables'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub group_3_Getvisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
 returnedVal = ActiVmenu = 2
End Sub
'procedure("getvisible") du group[ID:''group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
'dans le parent [tab-1''  Label:''mes menu switchables'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub group_4_Getvisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
 returnedVal = ActiVmenu = 3
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_4''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_2''  Label:''menu 1'']
Sub button_4_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_4"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_5''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_2''  Label:''menu 1'']
Sub button_5_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_5"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_6''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_2''  Label:''menu 1'']
Sub button_6_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_6"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_7''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_2''  Label:''menu 1'']
Sub button_7_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_7"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_8''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_3''  Label:''menu 2'']
Sub button_8_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_8"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_9''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_3''  Label:''menu 2'']
Sub button_9_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_9"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_10''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_3''  Label:''menu 2'']
Sub button_10_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_10"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_11''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_11_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_11"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_12''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_12_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_12"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_13''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_13_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_13"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_14''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_14_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_14"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_15''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_15_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_15"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_16''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [group_4''  Label:''menu 3'']
Sub button_16_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_16"
End Sub


XLDnaute Impliqué
bonjour ryu
bon ben tu va t'amuser
tu me donnera un exemple de ton creator par table ?

alors pour commencer aujourd'hui
la 023 beta 4.3 du compilaeur

le dynamique c'est bien non?
on commence par le plus facile
la balise dynamicMenu( et oui celle là tu la connaissais pas )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI azerty="">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab-1" label="mes macros persos">
                <group id="group_1" label="Un menu dynamico">
                    <dynamicMenu id="dynamicMenu_1" getContent="dynamicMenu_1_RechargeMenu" label="Ma liste" invalidateContentOnDrop="true"/>

compile le
et dans le module callback du sample tu devrais obtenire ceci
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3

'dans le group [id:''group_1'' label :''Un menu dynamico'']
'procedure de remplissage du menu dynamique du DynamicMenu[ID:''dynamicMenu_1''  Label:''Ma liste'']
'dans le parent [group_1''  Label:''Un menu dynamico'']
Public Sub dynamicMenu_1_RechargeMenu(ctl As IRibbonControl, ByRef content)
content = "<menu xmlns="""" >"& vbcrlf     'ouverture de la balise menu
content = content '& code xml du content
content = content & "<menu>"
End Sub

ensuite tu va remplacer ceci
content = content '& code xml du content
par cela
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        content = content & "<button id=""" & Replace(ws.Name, " ", "_") & """ label=""" & ws.Name & """ tag=""" & _
                  ws.Name & """ imageMso=""MacroPlay"" onAction=""GoFeuille""/>"
ensuite tu la sub sensée ^tre appelée par les boutons du menu

'Active la feuille sélectionnée lorsque vous cliquez sur un nom
'dans le menu.
Sub GoFeuille(control As IRibbonControl)
End Sub

ferme vba et teste ton menu
ensuite mano mano ajoute des feuille
reteste ton menu
Re, j'ai voulu tester , mai j'ai du louper qqd chose car je n'ai pas réussi à le faire marcher .... pourquoi ?

Pièces jointes

  • Sample.xlsm
    19.5 KB · Affichages: 4


XLDnaute Barbatruc
j'avais laissé le piege "azerty" mille excuses
et tes fichiers xml n'ont pas le bon BOM
quand tu fait enregistrer sous dans bloknote
il faut vérifier le format en bas à droite
sinon si le xml est plus complexe ca va planter sans que l'on sache pour quoi
et surtout pour que les caractères particulier"é'èàê" etc soit pris comme tels sinon customUI ne l'accepte pas


XLDnaute Barbatruc
un switchenabled pour bouton

exemple 1

le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab_1" label="MES BOUTONS">
                <group id="group-0" label="ACCEUIL">
                    <button id="button_1" onAction="button_1_Click" imageMso="FileClose" label="BOUTON 1" getEnabled="button_1_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_2" onAction="button_2_Click" imageMso="ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog" label="BOUTON 2" getEnabled="button_2_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_3" onAction="button_3_Click" imageMso="ErrorChecking" label="BOUTON 3" getEnabled="button_3_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_4" onAction="button_4_Click" imageMso="BrightnessLess" label="BOUTON 4" getEnabled="button_4_GetEnabled" size="large"/>

les callbacks
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Public b(1 To 4) As Boolean
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
    Set myRibbon = ribbon
    b(1) = True
End Sub

Sub refresh()
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_1_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False:: Next
    b(2) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_1"
End Sub
'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_2_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False: Next
    b(3) = True
   'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_2"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_3_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False: Next
    b(4) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_3"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_4_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False
    Next: b(1) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_4"
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_1_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(1)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_2_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(2)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_3_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(3)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_4_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(4)
End Sub


le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab_1" label="MES BOUTONS">
                <group id="group-0" label="ACCEUIL">
                    <button id="button_1" onAction="button_1_Click" imageMso="FileClose" label="BOUTON 1" getEnabled="button_1_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_2" onAction="button_2_Click" imageMso="ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog" label="BOUTON 2" getEnabled="button_2_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_3" onAction="button_3_Click" imageMso="ErrorChecking" label="BOUTON 3" getEnabled="button_3_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_4" onAction="button_4_Click" imageMso="BrightnessLess" label="BOUTON 4" getEnabled="button_4_GetEnabled" size="large"/>

les callbacks
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Public b(1 To 4) As Boolean
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
    Set myRibbon = ribbon
    b(1) = True
End Sub

Sub refresh()
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_1_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True:: Next
    b(1) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_1"
End Sub
'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_2_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True: Next
    b(2) = False
   'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_2"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_3_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True: Next
    b(3) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_3"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_4_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True
    Next: b(4) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_4"
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_1_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(1)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_2_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(2)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_3_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(3)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_4_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(4)
End Sub

les controls combobox


le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab-1" label="mon Onglet Perso">
                <group id="group_1" label="combobox simple">
                    <comboBox id="comboBox_1" onChange="comboBox_1_onChange">
                        <item id="item_1" label="toto"/>
                        <item id="item_2" label="titi"/>
                        <item id="item_3" label="riri"/>
                        <item id="item_4" label="fifi"/>
                <group id="group_2" label="combobox icon" imageMso="ErrorChecking">
                    <comboBox id="comboBox_2" onChange="comboBox_2_onChange" imageMso="ObjectAlignMenu">
                        <item id="item_5" label="toto" imageMso="MacroPlay"/>
                        <item id="item_6" label="titi" imageMso="MacroRelativeReferences"/>
                        <item id="item_7" label="riri" imageMso="MacroSecurity"/>

les callbacks

'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI

'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set myRibbon = ribbon
 End Sub

'procedure("onChange") de l'element[ID:''comboBox_1''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [comboBox_1''  Label:''combobox simple'']
Sub comboBox_1_onChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
MsgBox text
End Sub

'procedure("onChange") de l'element[ID:''comboBox_2''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [comboBox_2''  Label:''combobox icon'']
Sub comboBox_2_onChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
MsgBox text
End Sub
je continu ou tu en a assez 🥳

Usine à gaz

XLDnaute Barbatruc
un switchenabled pour bouton

exemple 1
Regarde la pièce jointe 1172148
le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab_1" label="MES BOUTONS">
                <group id="group-0" label="ACCEUIL">
                    <button id="button_1" onAction="button_1_Click" imageMso="FileClose" label="BOUTON 1" getEnabled="button_1_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_2" onAction="button_2_Click" imageMso="ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog" label="BOUTON 2" getEnabled="button_2_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_3" onAction="button_3_Click" imageMso="ErrorChecking" label="BOUTON 3" getEnabled="button_3_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_4" onAction="button_4_Click" imageMso="BrightnessLess" label="BOUTON 4" getEnabled="button_4_GetEnabled" size="large"/>

les callbacks
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Public b(1 To 4) As Boolean
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
    Set myRibbon = ribbon
    b(1) = True
End Sub

Sub refresh()
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_1_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False:: Next
    b(2) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_1"
End Sub
'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_2_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False: Next
    b(3) = True
   'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_2"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_3_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False: Next
    b(4) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_3"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_4_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = False
    Next: b(1) = True
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_4"
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_1_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(1)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_2_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(2)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_3_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(3)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_4_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(4)
End Sub

Regarde la pièce jointe 1172150

le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab_1" label="MES BOUTONS">
                <group id="group-0" label="ACCEUIL">
                    <button id="button_1" onAction="button_1_Click" imageMso="FileClose" label="BOUTON 1" getEnabled="button_1_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_2" onAction="button_2_Click" imageMso="ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog" label="BOUTON 2" getEnabled="button_2_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_3" onAction="button_3_Click" imageMso="ErrorChecking" label="BOUTON 3" getEnabled="button_3_GetEnabled" size="large"/>
                    <button id="button_4" onAction="button_4_Click" imageMso="BrightnessLess" label="BOUTON 4" getEnabled="button_4_GetEnabled" size="large"/>

les callbacks
'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Public b(1 To 4) As Boolean
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
    Set myRibbon = ribbon
    b(1) = True
End Sub

Sub refresh()
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_1_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True:: Next
    b(1) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_1"
End Sub
'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_2_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True: Next
    b(2) = False
   'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_2"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_3_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True: Next
    b(3) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_3"
End Sub

'procedure ''onAction du bouton [ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
Sub button_4_Click(control As IRibbonControl)
    For i = 1 To 4: b(i) = True
    Next: b(4) = False
    'MsgBox " vous avez cliqué sur le [button] id: button_4"
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_1''  Label:''BOUTON 1'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_1_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(1)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_2''  Label:''BOUTON 2'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_2_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(2)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_3''  Label:''BOUTON 3'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_3_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(3)
End Sub

'procedure("getEnabled") du button[ID:''button_4''  Label:''BOUTON 4'']
'dans le parent [group-0''  Label:''ACCEUIL'']
'valeur par defaut
Sub button_4_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
    returnedVal = b(4)
End Sub

les controls combobox

Regarde la pièce jointe 1172151

le XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CustomUIOnLoad">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="tab-1" label="mon Onglet Perso">
                <group id="group_1" label="combobox simple">
                    <comboBox id="comboBox_1" onChange="comboBox_1_onChange">
                        <item id="item_1" label="toto"/>
                        <item id="item_2" label="titi"/>
                        <item id="item_3" label="riri"/>
                        <item id="item_4" label="fifi"/>
                <group id="group_2" label="combobox icon" imageMso="ErrorChecking">
                    <comboBox id="comboBox_2" onChange="comboBox_2_onChange" imageMso="ObjectAlignMenu">
                        <item id="item_5" label="toto" imageMso="MacroPlay"/>
                        <item id="item_6" label="titi" imageMso="MacroRelativeReferences"/>
                        <item id="item_7" label="riri" imageMso="MacroSecurity"/>

les callbacks

'callback created by ''creatorRibbonX''
'[createRibbonX Application] created by ''patricktoulon''
'Version 2023 Beta 4.3
'L 'objet IRibbonUI possède deux méthodes :
'1° Invalidate() qui actualise en une seule fois tous les contrôles personnalisés du classeur.
'2° InvalidateControl("ControlID As String") qui actualise un contrôle particulier (ControlID correspond à l'identificateur unique du contrôle).

Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI

'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub CustomUIOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set myRibbon = ribbon
 End Sub

'procedure("onChange") de l'element[ID:''comboBox_1''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [comboBox_1''  Label:''combobox simple'']
Sub comboBox_1_onChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
MsgBox text
End Sub

'procedure("onChange") de l'element[ID:''comboBox_2''  Label:'''']
'dans le parent [comboBox_2''  Label:''combobox icon'']
Sub comboBox_2_onChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
MsgBox text
End Sub
je continu ou tu en a assez 🥳
Hello : j'y comprends rien mais continues lol :)


XLDnaute Impliqué
Hello Patrick
Update de la macro XMLCreator pour améliorer l'algo (Mac/PC) :
Sub XMLCreator()
Dim myEncodeXml$, myRibbonUI$, myRibbonUI14$, myRibbon$, StartUI$, StartUI14$, EndBalise$
Dim CheckBalise, BaliseClose, VA, x%, Col_Xml As New Collection, V$, TrueFalse As Boolean, MyIndent$, Col
Dim myUI$, myUI14$

    myEncodeXml = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>"
    myRibbonUI = "<customUI xmlns="""">"
    myRibbonUI14 = "<customUI xmlns="""">"
    myRibbon = "<ribbon startFromScratch=""false"">"
    StartUI = myEncodeXml & vbNewLine & myRibbonUI & vbNewLine & vbTab & myRibbon & vbNewLine & Application.Rept(vbTab, 2) & "</tabs>"
    StartUI14 = myEncodeXml & vbNewLine & myRibbonUI14 & vbNewLine & vbTab & myRibbon & vbNewLine & Application.Rept(vbTab, 2) & "</tabs>"
    EndBalise = Application.Rept(vbTab, 2) & "</tabs>" & vbNewLine & vbTab & "</ribbon>" & vbNewLine & "</customUI>"
    CheckBalise = Array("TAB", "GROUP", "BUTTONGROUP", "MENU", "BOX", "SPLITBUTTON")
    BaliseClose = Array("</tab>", "</group>", "</buttonGroup>", "</menu>", "</box>", "</splitButton>")
    VA = Sheets("XML CREATION").Range("MyXML[[BALISE TYPE]:[ATTRIBUT 6]]").Value
    TrueFalse = False
    x = -1
    For i = LBound(VA) To UBound(VA)
        Check = Application.Match(VA(i, 1), CheckBalise, 0): If IsError(Check) Then Err.Clear: Check = 0
        If Check > 2 And x > 1 Then
            x = x - 1
            If TrueFalse = True And Check > 0 Then x = 0: TrueFalse = False
        End If
        V = Replace(Replace(Application.Trim(Join(Application.Index(VA, i, [{3,4,5,6,7,8}]))), " />", "/>"), " >", ">")
        MyIndent = Application.Rept(vbTab, x + 4)
        If Check > 0 Then
            If x = -1 Then
                Col_Xml.Add MyIndent & V
                Col_Xml.Add MyIndent & BaliseClose(Check - 1)
                x = x + 1
                Col_Xml.Add MyIndent & V, , Col_Xml.Count - x
                Col_Xml.Add MyIndent & BaliseClose(Check - 1), , Col_Xml.Count - x
                x = x + 1
            End If
            Col_Xml.Add MyIndent & V, , Col_Xml.Count - x
            TrueFalse = True
        End If
    For Each Col In Col_Xml
        myUI = myUI & Col & vbNewLine
        myUI14 = myUI14 & Col & vbNewLine
    myUI = StartUI & vbNewLine & myUI & EndBalise
    myUI14 = StartUI14 & vbNewLine & myUI14 & EndBalise
    Debug.Print myUI & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & myUI14
End Sub

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI xmlns="">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="myTabID_1" label="NameLabelTab" visible="true/false">
                <group id ="myGroupID_1" label="NameLabelGroup">
                    <button id="myButtonID_1" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <button id="myButtonID_2" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <button id="myButtonID_3" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                <group id ="myGroupID_2" label="NameLabelGroup">
                    <button id="myButtonID_4" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <button id="myButtonID_5" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <button id="myButtonID_6" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <separator id="mySeparatorID_1"/>
                    <button id="myButtonID_7" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                <group id ="myGroupID_3" label="NameLabelGroup">
                    <menu id="myMenuID_1" itemSize="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_8" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_9" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_10" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_11" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_12" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                <group id ="myGroupID_4" label="NameLabelGroup">
                    <splitButton id="mySplitButtonID_1">
                        <button id="myButtonID_13" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <menu id="myMenuID_2" itemSize="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_14" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_15" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_16" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                <group id ="myGroupID_5" label="NameLabelGroup">
                    <buttonGroup id="myButtonGroupID_1">
                        <button id="myButtonID_17" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_18" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_19" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_20" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <buttonGroup id="myButtonGroupID_2">
                        <button id="myButtonID_21" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_22" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_23" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                    <buttonGroup id="myButtonGroupID_3">
                        <toggleButton id="myToggleButtonID_1" label="NameLabelToggleButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <toggleButton id="myToggleButtonID_2" label="NameLabelToggleButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>
                        <button id="myButtonID_24" label="NameLabelButton" onAction="MacroName" imageMso="NameImage" size="large"/>

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