Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label4_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim f
Set f = Sheets("BD")
i = 0
Set design = f.Range("A2:A" & f.[a65000].End(xlUp).Row)
For Each c In design
If c <> "" Then tmp = c
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem tmp
Me.ComboBox1.List(i, 1) = c.Offset(, 1)
Me.ComboBox1.List(i, 2) = c.Offset(, 2)
Me.ComboBox1.List(i, 3) = c.Offset(, 3)
Me.ComboBox1.List(i, 4) = c.Row
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_click()
Me.TextBox1 = Me.ComboBox1.Column(1)
Me.TextBox2 = Me.ComboBox1.Column(2)
Me.TextBox3 = Me.ComboBox1.Column(3)
End Sub
Private Sub B_ok_Click()
ActiveCell.Offset(, 0) = Me.TextBox3
ActiveCell.Offset(, -1) = Me.TextBox2
ActiveCell.Font.Name = "Arial"
ActiveCell.Font.Size = 11 'Affiche toute la plage de cellule en taille de police 11
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = False
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(226, 239, 218)
Dim balise1$, balise2$, L1$, L2$, a$(), c As Range, n&, x$, sup%, i%, j%, k%, ss, s
balise1 = "<i>": balise2 = "</i>": L1 = Len(balise1): L2 = Len(balise2)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveCell.Font.Italic = False 'RAZ
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange 'la feuille active est traitée
'---tableau des bornes---
ReDim a(1 To .Count)
For Each c In .Cells
n = n + 1
x = CStr(c)
sup = 0
For i = 1 To Len(x)
If Mid(x, i, L1) = balise1 Then
j = InStr(i + L1, x, balise2)
k = InStr(i + L1, x, balise1)
If k = 0 Then k = 32767
If j And j <= k Then
sup = sup + L1
a(n) = a(n) & " " & i - sup + L1 & "," & j - i - L1
sup = sup + L2
i = j + L2 - 1
End If
End If
Next i, c
'---effacement des 2 balises---
.Replace balise1, "", xlPart
.Replace balise2, ""
'---application des formats---
n = 0
For Each c In .Cells
n = n + 1
If a(n) <> "" Then
ss = Split(a(n))
For i = 1 To UBound(ss)
s = Split(ss(i), ",")
c.Characters(s(0), s(1)).Font.Italic = True
Next i
End If
Next c
End With
If Me.ComboBox1 <> "" Then 'Si la zone de saisie de la combobox comporte un de ces mots alors il sera sans italic
mot = "subsp."
For Each c In Range("B22:B180")
P = InStr(UCase(c), UCase(mot))
If P > 0 Then c.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=Len(mot)).Font.Italic = False 'Valeur italique fausse, donc Subsp ecrit sans italic
Next c
mot2 = "var."
For Each c In Range("B22:B180")
P = InStr(UCase(c), UCase(mot2))
If P > 0 Then c.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=Len(mot2)).Font.Italic = False
Next c
mot3 = "sp."
For Each c In Range("B22:B180")
P = InStr(UCase(c), UCase(mot3))
If P > 0 Then c.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=Len(mot3)).Font.Italic = False
Next c
mot3 = "x"
For Each c In Range("B22:B180")
P = InStr(UCase(c), UCase(mot3))
If P > 0 Then c.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=Len(mot3)).Font.Italic = False
Next c
End If
Unload Me
End Sub