Function NomPropre2(nom As String)
temp = Application.Proper(nom)
tbl = Array("De ", "Du ", "Des ", "Le ", "La ", "À ", "En ", "Au ", "Bis ", "Ter ")
For i = 0 To UBound(tbl)
temp = Replace(temp, tbl(i), LCase(tbl(i)))
Next i
NomPropre2 = temp
End Function
Sub ConvertitSelection()
tbl = Array("De ", "Du ", "Des ", "Le ", "La ", "À ", "En ", "Au ", "Bis ", "Ter ")
For Each c In Selection
temp = Application.Proper(c.Value)
For i = 0 To UBound(tbl)
temp = Replace(temp, tbl(i), LCase(tbl(i)))
Next i
c.Value = temp
Next c
End Sub