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XLDnaute Nouveau

j'ai un code mais je n'arrive pas à récupérer les valeurs qui sont en décimale.

voici le code :

Private FlagInitForm As Boolean
Private SHR As Worksheet

Private TempsDemarrage As Long
Private NBColonneResultat As Long
Private TitreDATA As String

Private NbQuestion As Integer

' Enregistrement de la sélection puis Résultats
Private Sub BtnOk_Click()

TempsDemarrage = Timer
LimitePercent = Val(cmbLimite.Text) / 100


'// Enregistrement de la sélection

Set SHR = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Résultat Détaillé")
SHR.Cells(1, 1) = " "

For T = 0 To ListActivite.ListCount - 1
If ListActivite.Selected(T) Then
SEL_Activite = LCase(ListActivite.List(T))
End If
For T = 0 To T = 7
If ListLieu.Selected(T) Then
SEL_Lieu = LCase(ListLieu.List(T))
End If

For T = 0 To ListGare.ListCount - 1
If ListGare.Selected(T) Then
Gare = ListGare.List(T)
SEL_Gare = LCase(ListGare.List(T))
End If
For T = 0 To ListTrain.ListCount - 1
If ListTrain.Selected(T) Then
SEL_Train = LCase(ListTrain.List(T))
End If
For T = 0 To ListLigne.ListCount - 1
If ListLigne.Selected(T) Then
SEL_Ligne = LCase(ListLigne.List(T))
End If

Set SH = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("DATA")

If TypeName(AllData) = "Empty" Then
NbLignes = SH.Cells(SH.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
NbColonnes = SH.Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column

ReDim AllData(1 To NbLignes, 1 To NbColonnes)
AllData = SH.Range(SH.Cells(1, 1), SH.Cells(NbLignes, NbColonnes))

End If
Set SHOld = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("DATAOld")

If TypeName(OldData) = "Empty" Then
NbLignes = SHOld.Cells(SH.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
NbColonnes = SHOld.Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column

ReDim OldData(1 To NbLignes, 1 To NbColonnes)
OldData = SHOld.Range(SHOld.Cells(1, 1), SHOld.Cells(NbLignes, NbColonnes))

End If


Delta = Timer - TempsDemarrage
SHR.Cells(1, 1) = "OK en " & Round(Delta, 1) & "s"
SHR.Cells(5, 1) = TitreDATA

Unload Me
End Sub

' Analyse des données et Création Résultats
Private Sub AnaylseDonnees()
NbData = 0
Total = 0
ColonActivite = 1
ColonGare = 2
ColonLieu = 3
ColonTrain = 4
ColonLigne = 6

NbQuestion = NBColonneResultat

XStart = 6
'// Calcul des résultats de cet année
ReDim RESULT(NbQuestion, 32)
NbT = 0
aCodeGroup = SEL_Gare
If Mid(SEL_Gare, 1, 1) = "[" Then
aCodeGroup = Mid(SEL_Gare, 2, Len(SEL_Gare) - 2)
End If
For l = 2 To UBound(AllData, 1)

Activite = AllData(l, ColonActivite)
Gare = AllData(l, ColonGare)
Lieu = AllData(l, ColonLieu)
Train = AllData(l, ColonTrain)
Ligne = AllData(l, ColonLigne)

IsSelect = True
If LCase(Activite) <> SEL_Activite And SEL_Activite <> "toutes" Then IsSelect = False
If Mid(SEL_Gare, 1, 1) = "[" Then
' Recherche Groupe de la gare
aGroup = FindGroupGare(Gare)

If LCase(aCodeGroup) <> LCase(aGroup) Then IsSelect = False
'Debug.Print Gare
If LCase(Gare) <> SEL_Gare And SEL_Gare <> "toutes" Then
IsSelect = False
End If
End If

If LCase(Lieu) <> SEL_Lieu And SEL_Lieu <> "tous" Then IsSelect = False
If LCase(Train) <> SEL_Train And SEL_Train <> "tous" Then IsSelect = False
If LCase(Ligne) <> SEL_Ligne And SEL_Ligne <> "toutes" Then IsSelect = False

If IsSelect Then
NbT = NbT + 1
TypeJOUR = UCase(AllData(l, 5))
Select Case TypeJOUR
Case "Trimestre 1", "T1": DecJour = 1
Case "Trimestre 2", "T2": DecJour = 2
Case "Trimestre 3", "T3": DecJour = 3
Case "Trimestre 4", "T4": DecJour = 4
' Case "VENDREDI", "VEN": DecJour = 5
' Case "SAMEDI", "SAM": DecJour = 6
' Case "DIMANCHE", "DIM": DecJour = 7
End Select

'ToutesZones = AllData(l, 6)
'Total = Total + ToutesZones
For col = 1 To NbQuestion
T = "" & AllData(l, XStart + col)
C = "" & AllData(l, XStart + NbQuestion + col)
NC = "" & AllData(l, XStart + NbQuestion + NbQuestion + col)
If T <> "" Then
RESULT(col, 1) = RESULT(col, 1) + Val(T)
RESULT(col, 2) = RESULT(col, 2) + Val(C)
RESULT(col, 3) = RESULT(col, 3) + Val(NC)
RESULT(col, 1 + DecJour * 3) = RESULT(col, 1 + DecJour * 3) + Val(T)
RESULT(col, 2 + DecJour * 3) = RESULT(col, 2 + DecJour * 3) + Val(C)
RESULT(col, 3 + DecJour * 3) = RESULT(col, 3 + DecJour * 3) + Val(NC)

End If

End If

'// Calcul des résultats de l'année précédente
ReDim oldRESULT(NbQuestion, 32)
ObT = 0
For l = 2 To UBound(OldData, 1)

Activite = OldData(l, ColonActivite)
Gare = OldData(l, ColonGare)
Lieu = OldData(l, ColonLieu)
Train = OldData(l, ColonTrain)
Ligne = OldData(l, ColonLigne)

IsSelect = True
If LCase(Activite) <> SEL_Activite And SEL_Activite <> "toutes" Then IsSelect = False
If Mid(SEL_Gare, 1, 1) = "[" Then
' Recherche Groupe de la gare
aGroup = FindGroupGare(Gare)

If aCodeGroup <> aGroup Then IsSelect = False
'Debug.Print Gare
If LCase(Gare) <> (SEL_Gare) And SEL_Gare <> "toutes" Then IsSelect = False
End If
If IsSelect Then
End If
If LCase(Lieu) <> (SEL_Lieu) And SEL_Lieu <> "tous" Then IsSelect = False
If LCase(Train) <> (SEL_Train) And SEL_Train <> "tous" Then IsSelect = False
If LCase(Ligne) <> (SEL_Ligne) And SEL_Ligne <> "toutes" Then IsSelect = False

If IsSelect Then
ObT = ObT + 1
TypeJOUR = UCase(OldData(l, 5))
Select Case TypeJOUR
Case "Trimestre 1", "T1": DecJour = 1
Case "Trimestre 2", "T2": DecJour = 2
Case "Trimestre 3", "T3": DecJour = 3
Case "Trimestre 4", "T4": DecJour = 4
' Case "VENDREDI", "VEN": DecJour = 5
' Case "SAMEDI", "SAM": DecJour = 6
' Case "DIMANCHE", "DIM": DecJour = 7
End Select

'ToutesZones = AllData(l, 6)
'Total = Total + ToutesZones
For col = 1 To NbQuestion
T = "" & OldData(l, XStart + col)
C = "" & OldData(l, XStart + NbQuestion + col)
NC = "" & OldData(l, XStart + 2 * NbQuestion + col)
If T <> "" Then
oldRESULT(col, 1) = oldRESULT(col, 1) + Val(T)
oldRESULT(col, 2) = oldRESULT(col, 2) + Val(C)
oldRESULT(col, 3) = oldRESULT(col, 3) + Val(NC)
oldRESULT(col, 1 + DecJour * 3) = oldRESULT(col, 1 + DecJour * 3) + Val(T)
oldRESULT(col, 2 + DecJour * 3) = oldRESULT(col, 2 + DecJour * 3) + Val(C)
oldRESULT(col, 3 + DecJour * 3) = oldRESULT(col, 3 + DecJour * 3) + Val(NC)

End If
End If

'// Affichage des résultats
Y = 9

SHR.Cells(1, 2) = "N : " & NbT
SHR.Cells(1, 7) = "N-1 : " & ObT
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 1) = "Trimestre :"
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 2) = UCase(SEL_Activite)
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 7) = "Gare :"
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 8) = UCase(SEL_Gare)
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 13) = "Type Jour :"
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 16) = UCase(SEL_Lieu)
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 19) = "Mois :"
SHR.Cells(Y - 3, 23) = UCase(SEL_Train)

If LCase(Ligne) <> SEL_Ligne And SEL_Ligne <> "toutes" Then
SHR.Cells(Y - 2, 1) = "Date :"
SHR.Cells(Y - 2, 2) = UCase(SEL_Ligne)
End If
SHR.Cells(Y, 1) = "Zones observées"
For J = 0 To 4
Select Case J
Case 0: JourTxt = "TOTAL"
Case 1: JourTxt = "Trimestre 1"
Case 2: JourTxt = "Trimestre 2"
Case 3: JourTxt = "Trimestre 3"
Case 4: JourTxt = "Trimestre 4"
'Case 5: JourTxt = "VENDREDI"
'Case 6: JourTxt = "SAMEDI"
'Case 7: JourTxt = "DIMANCHE"

End Select
SHR.Cells(Y - 1, 2 + J * 6) = JourTxt
SHR.Cells(Y, 2 + J * 6) = "obs"
SHR.Cells(Y, 3 + J * 6) = "eff nc"
SHR.Cells(Y, 4 + J * 6) = "%nc"
SHR.Cells(Y, 5 + J * 6) = "eff c"
SHR.Cells(Y, 6 + J * 6) = "%c(n-1)"
SHR.Cells(Y, 7 + J * 6) = "Evol" & vbCrLf & "(+/- " & Round(LimitePercent * 100, 0) & "%)"
Y = Y + 1

For col = 1 To NbQuestion
Nom = AllData(1, XStart + col)
Nom = Replace(Nom, "_T", "")

Titre = GetTitreQuestion(Nom)
If Titre = "" Then Titre = Nom

If Mid(Titre, 1, 1) = "[" Then
Titre = Mid(Titre, 2, Len(Titre) - 2)
If Y <> 10 Then
Y = Y + 1
End If
End If
If chkShowCode.Value <> 0 Then
If Nom = Titre Then
SHR.Cells(Y, 1) = Titre
SHR.Cells(Y, 1) = Nom & " - " & Titre
End If
SHR.Cells(Y, 1) = Titre
End If
For J = 0 To 7
SHR.Cells(Y, 2 + J * 6) = RESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) ' obs
SHR.Cells(Y, 3 + J * 6) = RESULT(col, 3 + J * 3) ' eff nc
p1 = -1
If RESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) <> 0 Then
p1 = RESULT(col, 3 + J * 3) / RESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) ' %nc
p3 = RESULT(col, 2 + J * 3) / RESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) ' %c
SHR.Cells(Y, 4 + J * 6) = p1
End If
p2 = -1
SHR.Cells(Y, 5 + J * 6) = RESULT(col, 2 + J * 3) ' eff c n-1
If oldRESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) <> 0 Then
p2 = oldRESULT(col, 2 + J * 3) / oldRESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) ' %c
p4 = oldRESULT(col, 3 + J * 3) / oldRESULT(col, 1 + J * 3) ' %nc
SHR.Cells(Y, 6 + J * 6) = p2 'oldRESULT(col, 3 + J * 3) & "/" & oldRESULT(col, 1 + J * 3)
End If
If p2 <> -1 And p1 <> -1 Then
Delta = (p3 - p2)
If Abs(Delta) > LimitePercent Then
If Delta > 0 Then
SHR.Cells(Y, 7 + J * 6) = "ì"
SHR.Cells(Y, 7 + J * 6).Font.Color = vbGreen
SHR.Cells(Y, 7 + J * 6) = "î"
SHR.Cells(Y, 7 + J * 6).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
End If
End If
Y = Y + 1


End Sub

Private Function FindGroupGare(ByVal Gare As String) As String
Set SH = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Filtres")

NbLignes = SH.Cells(SH.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
NbColonnes = SH.Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column

For Y = 2 To NbLignes
aGare = SH.Cells(Y, 2)
aGroupe = SH.Cells(Y, 3)
If Gare = aGare Then
FindGroupGare = aGroupe
Exit For
End If

End Function

Private Sub BtnOk_Enter()

End Sub

Private Sub chkShowCode_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmbLimite_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub lblActivite_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub lblLieu_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub lblLieu_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

End Sub

Private Sub lblLigne_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub lblTrain_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub ListActivite_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub ListGare_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub ListLieu_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub ListLigne_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub ListTrain_Change()
End Sub

'// Control du Formulaire
Private Sub ControlForm()

FlagInitForm = False

NbActivite = 0
NbLieu = 0
NbGare = 0
NbTrain = 0
Set SHR = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Résultat Détaillé")
SHR.Cells(1, 1) = " "

If ListActivite.ListCount <> 0 Then
For T = 0 To ListActivite.ListCount - 1
If ListActivite.Selected(T) Then
NbActivite = NbActivite + 1
End If
End If
If NbActivite = 0 Then lblActivite.ForeColor = vbRed Else lblActivite.ForeColor = vbBlue

If ListLieu.ListCount <> 0 Then
For T = 0 To ListLieu.ListCount - 1
If ListLieu.Selected(T) Then
NbLieu = NbLieu + 1
End If
End If
If NbLieu = 0 Then lblLieu.ForeColor = vbRed Else lblLieu.ForeColor = vbBlue

If ListGare.ListCount <> 0 Then
For T = 0 To ListGare.ListCount - 1
If ListGare.Selected(T) Then
NbGare = NbGare + 1
End If
End If
If NbGare = 0 Then lblGare.ForeColor = vbRed Else lblGare.ForeColor = vbBlue

If ListTrain.ListCount <> 0 Then
For T = 0 To ListTrain.ListCount - 1
If ListTrain.Selected(T) Then
NbTrain = NbTrain + 1
End If
End If
If NbTrain = 0 Then lblTrain.ForeColor = vbRed Else lblTrain.ForeColor = vbBlue

NbLigne = 0
If ListLigne.ListCount <> 0 Then
For T = 0 To ListLigne.ListCount - 1
If ListLigne.Selected(T) Then
NbLigne = NbLigne + 1
End If
End If
If NbLigne = 0 Then lblLigne.ForeColor = vbRed Else lblLigne.ForeColor = vbBlue

If NbActivite <> 0 And NbLieu <> 0 And NbGare <> 0 And NbTrain <> 0 And NbLigne <> 0 Then
BtnOk.Enabled = True
BtnOk.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

'// Chargement de la nomenclature
Private Sub LoadingNomenclature()
Dim SH As Worksheet

Set SH = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Nomenclature")

NbLignes = SH.Cells(SH.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
NbColonnes = SH.Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column

Set ColQuestion = New Collection
NBColonneResultat = SH.Cells(1, 3)
TitreDATA = SH.Cells(1, 1)

For Y = 2 To NbLignes
CodeQ = SH.Cells(Y, 1)
Titre = SH.Cells(Y, 2)
ColQuestion.Add Titre, "Q" & CodeQ

End Sub

' Conversion Code Question -> Nomenclature
Private Function GetTitreQuestion(ByVal CodeQ As String) As String
On Error GoTo Echap
GetTitreQuestion = ""
GetTitreQuestion = ColQuestion("Q" & CodeQ)
Exit Function
End Function

'// Chargement du formulaire
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
FlagInitForm = True
Set aSH = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Filtres")

X = 1
NbLignes = aSH.Cells(aSH.Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row

'Debug.Print ListActivite.RowSource
ListActivite.RowSource = "Filtres!A" & (X + 1) & ":A" & (NbLignes)
' Initialisation du Formulaire avec les données actuels
If SEL_Activite = "" Then SEL_Activite = ListActivite.List(0)
For T = 0 To ListActivite.ListCount - 1
If LCase(ListActivite.List(T)) = SEL_Activite Then
ListActivite.Selected(T) = True
Exit For
End If
X = 4
NbLignes = aSH.Cells(aSH.Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row

ListLieu.RowSource = "Filtres!D2😀" & NbLignes
If SEL_Lieu = "" Then SEL_Lieu = ListLieu.List(0)
For T = 0 To ListLieu.ListCount - 1
If LCase(ListLieu.List(T)) = SEL_Lieu Then
ListLieu.Selected(T) = True
Exit For
End If
X = 2
NbGare = aSH.Cells(aSH.Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row
ListGare.RowSource = "Filtres!B2:B" & NbGare
If SEL_Gare = "" Then SEL_Gare = ListGare.List(0)
For T = 0 To ListGare.ListCount - 1
If LCase(ListGare.List(T)) = SEL_Gare Then
ListGare.Selected(T) = True
Exit For
End If
X = 6
NbTrain = aSH.Cells(aSH.Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row
ListTrain.RowSource = "Filtres!F2:F" & NbTrain
If SEL_Train = "" Then SEL_Train = ListTrain.List(0)
For T = 0 To ListTrain.ListCount - 1
If LCase(ListTrain.List(T)) = SEL_Train Then
ListTrain.Selected(T) = True
Exit For
End If
X = 5
NbLigne = aSH.Cells(aSH.Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row
ListLigne.RowSource = "Filtres!E2:E" & NbLigne
If SEL_Ligne = "" Then SEL_Ligne = ListLigne.List(0)
For T = 0 To ListLigne.ListCount - 1
If LCase(ListLigne.List(T)) = SEL_Ligne Then
ListLigne.Selected(T) = True
Exit For
End If

Me.Caption = "Paramétrage du résultat " & TitreDATA

cmbLimite.AddItem "10 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "9 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "8 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "7 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "6 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "5 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "4 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "3 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "2 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "1 %"
cmbLimite.AddItem "0 %"

Find = False
For n = 0 To cmbLimite.ListCount - 1
V = Val(cmbLimite.List(n))
If V = (100 * LimitePercent) Then
cmbLimite.ListIndex = n
Find = True
Exit For
End If
If Not Find Then cmbLimite.ListIndex = 5
FlagInitForm = False

End Sub

Voici un lien pour télécharger le fichier xls

merci pour votre aide
Dernière édition:
Re : Vba

Bonsoir atoss77.

J'aime ton humour : "Merci pour votre aide".
Sincèrement, tu espères qu'on puisse trouver la solution avec un code abscons et long comme un jour sans pain, sans même un fichier exemple, avec une demande sibylline : "je n'arrive pas à récupérer les valeurs qui sont en décimale".

Sur le forum, personne n'est devin ni thaumaturge...🙂
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