Sub ConcatParN()
Const N = 1000
Dim t, derlig As Long, i As Long, i1 As Long, i2 As Long, k As Long, max As Long, s As String
With Sheets("Test")
If .FilterMode Then .ShowAllData
derlig = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
t = .Range("a1:a" & derlig)
max = UBound(t) \ N
If UBound(t) Mod N > 0 Then max = max + 1
For k = 1 To max
s = ""
i1 = (k - 1) * N + 1
i2 = i1 + N - 1: If i2 > UBound(t) Then i2 = UBound(t)
For i = i1 To i2: s = s & ";" & t(i, 1): Next
t(k, 1) = Mid(s, 2)
Next k
.Range("c1").Resize(max) = t
Application.Goto .Range("a1"), True
End With
End Sub