Sub DerniereDate_Job_Modif()
Dim x$, i%, y$, A(), n%, v$, w%, z%
v = "##?##?## ##:##" 'format à analyser
z = Len(v): w = z - 1
x = Application.Trim(ActiveCell.Value) 'SUPPRESPACE
For i = 1 To Len(x) - w
y = Mid(x, i, z)
If y Like v And IsDate(y) Then i = i + w: If Test_Date(Left(y, 8)) Then ReDim Preserve A(n): A(n) = CDbl(CDate(y)): n = n + 1
If n Then MsgBox "Dernière date " & Format(Application.Max(A), "dd-mm-yy hh:mm")
End Sub
Function Test_Date(Date_Val$) As Boolean
If IsDate(Date_Val) Then If Day(DateSerial(Day:=Mid(Date_Val, 1, 2), Month:=Mid(Date_Val, 4, 2), _
Year:=Mid(Date_Val, 7, 4))) = Day(CDate(Date_Val)) Then Test_Date = True
End Function