Sub report()
tablo = Sheets("TABLEAU-REPORT").Range("J2:J" & Sheets("TABLEAU-REPORT").Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For n = LBound(tablo, 1) To UBound(tablo, 1)
For m = LBound(tablo, 1) To UBound(tablo, 1)
If tablo(n, 1) < tablo(m, 1) Then
temp = tablo(n, 1)
tablo(n, 1) = tablo(m, 1)
tablo(m, 1) = temp
End If
lin = 3
Sheets("PIVOT TABLE").Range("V2") = tablo(LBound(tablo, 1), 1)
For n = LBound(tablo, 1) + 1 To UBound(tablo, 1)
If tablo(n, 1) <> tablo(n - 1, 1) Then
Sheets("PIVOT TABLE").Range("V" & lin) = tablo(n, 1)
lin = lin + 1
End If
End Sub