windows version 6,02
excel version =14
decalage gauche= 4
decalage top= 4
Op = Val(Mid(Application.OperatingSystem, InStrRev(Application.OperatingSystem, " ")))
appv = Val(Application.Version)
J'avais bien compris et ça me renvoie dans Debug.Print "windows version " & opc'est ce que renvoie
VB:qu'il me fautVB:Op = Val(Mid(Application.OperatingSystem, InStrRev(Application.OperatingSystem, " "))) appv = Val(Application.Version)
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" (ByVal xpoint As Long, ByVal ypoint As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" (ByVal xpoint As Long, ByVal ypoint As Long) As Long
#End If
Sub test2222()
hwndA = Application.hwnd
x = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.PointsToScreenPixelsX([C3].Left)
y = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.PointsToScreenPixelsY([C3].Top)
h1 = WindowFromPoint(x, y) 'on capte le handle de la fenetre qui ce trouve a ce point precis!!!!!
With UserForm1
.StartUpPosition = 0
.Left = (x / PtoPX * ActiveWindow.Zoom / 100)
.Top = (y / PtoPX * ActiveWindow.Zoom / 100)
.Show 0
End With
'correction left
h2 = WindowFromPoint(x, y + 20) 'on prend un point sur X de left <<<<un peu plus bas de 20 pixel>>>>
If h2 <> h1 Then 'si les deux handle sont différent(ca veux dire qu'il est décaler a droite)
'on le rammene a gauche tant que h1 et h2 sont différents
Do While h2 <> h1: UserForm1.Left = UserForm1.Left + 0.1: h2 = WindowFromPoint(x, y + 20): Loop
Else 'sinon ca veut dire qu'il mange un peu le left
Do While h2 = h1: UserForm1.Left = UserForm1.Left - 0.1: h2 = WindowFromPoint(x, y + 20): Loop 'on le repousse donc a droite
End If
'correction top(ben on fait pareil symetriquement parlant
h2 = WindowFromPoint(x + 20, y) 'on prend un point <<<un peu plus a droitede 20 pixel>>>> mais sur Y pilpoil
If h2 <> h1 Then 'si les deux handle sont différent(ca veux dire qu'il est décaler en bas )
'on le rammene en top Y tant que h1 et h2 sont différents
Do While h2 <> h1: UserForm1.Top = UserForm1.Top + 0.1: h2 = WindowFromPoint(x + 20, y): Loop
Else 'sinon ca veut dire qu'il mange un peu le top
Do While h2 = h1: UserForm1.Left = UserForm1.Left - 0.1: h2 = WindowFromPoint(x + 20, y): Loop 'on le repousse donc en bas
End If
End Sub
Public Function PtoPX()
With ActiveWindow.ActivePane
PtoPX = (.PointsToScreenPixelsX(72) - .PointsToScreenPixelsX(0)) / 72 'coeff
End With
End Function
Sub testX()
UserForm1.ShowOnCell [c3], 0
End Sub
Public cel As Range
Public Function WindowXYFromPoint(x, y): WindowXYFromPoint = ExecuteExcel4Macro("CALL(""user32"",""WindowFromPoint"",""JJJ""," & x & ", " & y & ")"): End Function
Public Function ShowOnCell(cel As Range, Optional modal As Boolean = vbModal)
With UserForm1: Set .cel = cel: .Show modal: End With
End Function
Function correction()
Dim x#, y#, h2&, h1&, PtPx#, EcX&, EcY&
With ActiveWindow.ActivePane
x = .PointsToScreenPixelsX(cel.Left): y = .PointsToScreenPixelsY(cel.Top)
PtPx = (.PointsToScreenPixelsX(72) - .PointsToScreenPixelsX(0)) / 72 'coeff
End With
EcX = Round(Me.Width - Me.InsideWidth) * PtPx 'ecart maximum toléré par la fonction en pixel
EcY = Round(Me.Height - Me.InsideHeight) * PtPx 'ecart maximum toléré par la fonction en pixel
h1 = WindowXYFromPoint(x, y)
With Me
.StartUpPosition = 0
.Left = (x / PtPx * ActiveWindow.Zoom / 100) - 100 ' je deregle la position exemple je le met à -100 de left
.Top = (y / PtPx * ActiveWindow.Zoom / 100) + 100 ' je deregle la position exemple je le met à +10 de top
.Show 0
End With
'correction top
h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x + EcX, y)
If h2 <> h1 Then
Do While h2 <> h1: Me.Top = Me.Top + 0.1: h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x + EcX, y): Loop
Do While h2 = h1: Me.Top = Me.Top - 0.1: h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x + EcX, y): Loop 'on le repousse donc en bas
End If
'correction Left
h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x, y + EcY)
If h2 <> h1 Then
Do While h2 <> h1: Me.Left = Me.Left + 0.1: h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x, y + EcY): Loop
Do While h2 = h1: Me.Left = Me.Left - 0.1: h2 = WindowXYFromPoint(x, y + EcY): Loop
End If
End Function
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If Not cel Is Nothing Then correction
End Sub