' (c)XLSolutionS, (c)2017
Sub RecupCaBis()
Dim xlsWsRecap As Object
Dim nomFicClients
Dim derLig
Dim cptOng, nbrOng
Dim tabEts()
Dim nomEts
Dim numEts
Dim cptLig, cptTrv
Dim tpsDeb, tpsFin
Set xlsWsRecap = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
nomFicClients = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", Title:="Selectionnez le fichier Clients")
If nomFicClients = "" Then
MsgBox "annul"
tpsDeb = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open (nomFicClients)
nbrOng = Sheets.Count
ReDim tabEts(1 To nbrOng, 1 To 2)
For cptOng = 1 To nbrOng
tabEts(cptOng, 1) = Sheets(cptOng).Cells(2, 1)
tabEts(cptOng, 2) = Sheets(cptOng).Cells(59, 15)
derLig = xlsWsRecap.Rows.Count
cptLig = 0
cptTrv = 0
While Not (derLig = 2)
If Not (xlsWsRecap.Cells(derLig, 11) = "") Then
cptLig = cptLig + 1
nomEts = xlsWsRecap.Cells(derLig, 11)
numEts = TrouveEts(nomEts, tabEts)
If numEts > 0 Then
xlsWsRecap.Cells(derLig, 35) = tabEts(numEts, 2)
cptTrv = cptTrv + 1
xlsWsRecap.Cells(derLig, 35) = "ABS"
End If
End If
derLig = derLig - 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
tpsFin = Int(Timer - tpsDeb)
MsgBox cptTrv & " Trouvés / " & cptLig & " Lignes" & vbCrLf & "en " & tpsFin & " sec.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "FIN"
End If
Set xlsWsRecap = Nothing
End Sub
Function TrouveEts(lequel, tablo)
Dim trvEts As Boolean
Dim cptEts
trvEts = False
cptEts = 1
While Not (cptEts > UBound(tablo, 1)) And Not trvEts
If tablo(cptEts, 1) = lequel Then
trvEts = True
cptEts = cptEts + 1
End If
If trvEts Then
TrouveEts = cptEts
TrouveEts = 0
End If
End Function