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Simplification VBA


XLDnaute Impliqué
Bonsoir à tous,

Je dispose d'un code VBA qui fonctionne mais je pense qu'il peut être simplifier surtout au niveau des RAZ des som , j'ai essayé avec:

For i=1 to 18
Next i

Mais ça ne fonctionne pas. Voici le code intégral:

Sub SommeReportingQE()
Dim Nlgn As Integer
Dim tabBDD()
Dim wsBDD As Object
Dim wsResult As Object

Dim som1, som2, som3, som4, som5, som6, som7, som8, som9, som10, som11, som12, som13, som14, som15, som16, som17, som18
Dim crit1, crit2, crit3, crit4
Dim cptBDD
Dim i As Integer

Nlgn = ActiveCell.Column

    Set wsBDD = Worksheets("BDD")
    Set wsResult = Worksheets("Feuil1")

    With wsBDD
        tabBDD = Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 23))
    End With
    With wsResult
    som1 = 0
    som2 = 0
    som3 = 0
    som4 = 0
    som5 = 0
    som6 = 0
    som7 = 0
    som8 = 0
    som9 = 0
    som10 = 0
    som11 = 0
    som12 = 0
    som13 = 0
    som14 = 0
    som15 = 0
    som16 = 0
    som17 = 0
    som18 = 0
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        crit1 = .Cells(2, 1)
        crit2 = .Cells(1, Nlgn)
        crit3 = .Cells(8, 1)
        crit4 = .Cells(14, 1)
        For cptBDD = 1 To UBound(tabBDD, 1)
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit1) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                som1 = som1 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                som2 = som2 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                som3 = som3 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                som4 = som4 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                som5 = som5 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                som6 = som6 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit3) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                som7 = som7 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                som8 = som8 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                som9 = som9 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                som10 = som10 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                som11 = som11 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                som12 = som12 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit4) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                som13 = som13 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                som14 = som14 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                som15 = som15 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                som16 = som16 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                som17 = som17 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                som18 = som18 + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
        .Cells(2, Nlgn) = som1
        .Cells(3, Nlgn) = som2
        .Cells(4, Nlgn) = (.Cells(3, Nlgn) / som3)
        .Cells(5, Nlgn) = som4
        .Cells(6, Nlgn) = som5
        .Cells(7, Nlgn) = som6
        .Cells(8, Nlgn) = som7
        .Cells(9, Nlgn) = som8
        .Cells(10, Nlgn) = (.Cells(9, Nlgn) / som9)
        .Cells(11, Nlgn) = som10
        .Cells(12, Nlgn) = som11
        .Cells(13, Nlgn) = som12
        .Cells(14, Nlgn) = som13
        .Cells(15, Nlgn) = som14
        .Cells(16, Nlgn) = (.Cells(15, Nlgn) / som15)
        .Cells(17, Nlgn) = som16
        .Cells(18, Nlgn) = som17
        .Cells(19, Nlgn) = som18
    End With
    Set wsBDD = Nothing
    Set wsResult = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub



XLDnaute Occasionnel

Une piste avec un tableau :
Sub SommeReportingQE()

    Dim Nlgn As Integer
    Dim tabBDD()
    Dim wsBDD As Object
    Dim wsResult As Object
    Dim TblSom(1 To 18) As Double
    Dim crit1, crit2, crit3, crit4
    Dim cptBDD
    Dim I As Integer
    Nlgn = ActiveCell.Column

    Set wsBDD = Worksheets("BDD")
    Set wsResult = Worksheets("Feuil1")
    With wsBDD
        tabBDD = Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 23))
    End With
    With wsResult
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        crit1 = .Cells(2, 1)
        crit2 = .Cells(1, Nlgn)
        crit3 = .Cells(8, 1)
        crit4 = .Cells(14, 1)
        For cptBDD = 1 To UBound(tabBDD, 1)
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit1) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                TblSom(1) = TblSom(1) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                TblSom(2) = TblSom(2) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                TblSom(3) = TblSom(3) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                TblSom(4) = TblSom(4) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                TblSom(5) = TblSom(5) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                TblSom(6) = TblSom(6) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit3) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                TblSom(7) = TblSom(7) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                TblSom(8) = TblSom(8) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                TblSom(9) = TblSom(9) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                TblSom(10) = TblSom(10) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                TblSom(11) = TblSom(11) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                TblSom(12) = TblSom(12) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
            If (tabBDD(cptBDD, 23) = crit4) And (tabBDD(cptBDD, 1) = crit2) Then
                TblSom(13) = TblSom(13) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 11)
                TblSom(14) = TblSom(14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 22)
                TblSom(15) = TblSom(15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 12)
                TblSom(16) = TblSom(16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 14) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 15) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 16) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 20)
                TblSom(17) = TblSom(17) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 19)
                TblSom(18) = TblSom(18) + tabBDD(cptBDD, 17)
            End If
        For I = 2 To 19
            Select Case I
                Case 4, 10, 16
                    .Cells(I, Nlgn) = (.Cells(I - 3, Nlgn) / TblSom(I - 1))
                Case Else
                    .Cells(I, Nlgn) = TblSom(I)
            End Select
        Next I
    End With
    Set wsBDD = Nothing
    Set wsResult = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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