lakriti said
XLDnaute Nouveau
Bonjour à tous ;
j'aimerais boucler mon macro qui permet de faire la rotation de logo (image s'appelle "Logo") de notre entreprise OCP d'une façon permanant et à l'ouverture de fichier excel "DA IN PROCESS" dans la feuille "Data" et voila mon macro
Public Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim n As Integer
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo").LockAspectRatio = False
n = 5
#If VBA7 Then
n = 10
#End If
GrowShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), n
SpinShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), n
End Sub
Function SpinShape(ByRef Shape As Shape, Step As Integer) As Boolean
' Description:Expands a shape into view
' Parameters: Shape The shape to animate
' Step Larger #s animate faster
' Steps should divide 90 evenly
' Example: SpinShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), 10
' Date Ini Modification
' 01/10/11 CWH Initial Programming
' 12/08/13 CWH XL2013 Compatibility
Const Pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim sng01 As Single '1 Degree in Radians
sng01 = Pi / 180
Dim lCenterX As Long 'Shape's center X coordinate
Dim lCenterY As Long 'Shape's center Y coordiante
Dim lWidth As Long 'Shape's width
Dim lHeight As Long 'Shape's height
Dim l As Long 'Generic Counter for the loop
With Shape
.LockAspectRatio = False
'Remember shape's original dimensions
lCenterX = .Width / 2 + .Left
lCenterY = .Height / 2 + .Top
lWidth = .Width
lHeight = .Height
Shape.Visible = True
'Animation Loop
For l = 0 To 360 Step Step
.Width = lWidth * Abs(Cos(l * sng01))
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
If l = 90 Or l = 270 Then .Flip msoFlipHorizontal
Next l
'Restore shape's original dimensions
.Width = lWidth
.Height = lHeight
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
End With
End Function
Function GrowShape(ByRef Shape As Shape, Step As Integer) As Boolean
Dim lCenterX As Long 'Shape's center X coordinate
Dim lCenterY As Long 'Shape's center Y coordiante
Dim lWidth As Long 'Shape's width
Dim lHeight As Long 'Shape's height
Dim l As Long 'Generic Counter for the loop
With Shape
'Remember shape's original dimensions
lCenterX = .Width / 2 + .Left
lCenterY = .Height / 2 + .Top
lWidth = .Width
lHeight = .Height
Shape.Visible = True
'Animation Loop
For l = 0 To lWidth Step Step
.Width = l
.Height = l * lHeight / lWidth
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
Next l
'Restore shape's original dimensions
.Width = lWidth
.Height = lHeight
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
End With
End Function
j'aimerais boucler mon macro qui permet de faire la rotation de logo (image s'appelle "Logo") de notre entreprise OCP d'une façon permanant et à l'ouverture de fichier excel "DA IN PROCESS" dans la feuille "Data" et voila mon macro
Public Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim n As Integer
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo").LockAspectRatio = False
n = 5
#If VBA7 Then
n = 10
#End If
GrowShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), n
SpinShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), n
End Sub
Function SpinShape(ByRef Shape As Shape, Step As Integer) As Boolean
' Description:Expands a shape into view
' Parameters: Shape The shape to animate
' Step Larger #s animate faster
' Steps should divide 90 evenly
' Example: SpinShape ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo"), 10
' Date Ini Modification
' 01/10/11 CWH Initial Programming
' 12/08/13 CWH XL2013 Compatibility
Const Pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim sng01 As Single '1 Degree in Radians
sng01 = Pi / 180
Dim lCenterX As Long 'Shape's center X coordinate
Dim lCenterY As Long 'Shape's center Y coordiante
Dim lWidth As Long 'Shape's width
Dim lHeight As Long 'Shape's height
Dim l As Long 'Generic Counter for the loop
With Shape
.LockAspectRatio = False
'Remember shape's original dimensions
lCenterX = .Width / 2 + .Left
lCenterY = .Height / 2 + .Top
lWidth = .Width
lHeight = .Height
Shape.Visible = True
'Animation Loop
For l = 0 To 360 Step Step
.Width = lWidth * Abs(Cos(l * sng01))
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
If l = 90 Or l = 270 Then .Flip msoFlipHorizontal
Next l
'Restore shape's original dimensions
.Width = lWidth
.Height = lHeight
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
End With
End Function
Function GrowShape(ByRef Shape As Shape, Step As Integer) As Boolean
Dim lCenterX As Long 'Shape's center X coordinate
Dim lCenterY As Long 'Shape's center Y coordiante
Dim lWidth As Long 'Shape's width
Dim lHeight As Long 'Shape's height
Dim l As Long 'Generic Counter for the loop
With Shape
'Remember shape's original dimensions
lCenterX = .Width / 2 + .Left
lCenterY = .Height / 2 + .Top
lWidth = .Width
lHeight = .Height
Shape.Visible = True
'Animation Loop
For l = 0 To lWidth Step Step
.Width = l
.Height = l * lHeight / lWidth
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
Next l
'Restore shape's original dimensions
.Width = lWidth
.Height = lHeight
.Left = lCenterX - .Width / 2
.Top = lCenterY - .Height / 2
End With
End Function
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