Sub WaiRa()
' test0110 Macro
' test Strape1600 -> connait pas ;-)
' test Staple1600 -> C'est bibi ;-)
Dim sh As Shape, Signature$, X As Long
Signature = "WaiRa" & Format(Date, "\_dd/mm ")
Set sh = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Suivi")
sh.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Bold = True
Suivi = "--> " & InputBox("Commentaires, svp!", "Saisie du commentaire", "Saisir ICI votre texte.") & Chr(13) & Signature & Chr(13)
X = sh.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Count + 1
sh.TextFrame2.TextRange.InsertAfter Suivi
With sh.TextFrame.Characters(X + Len(Split(Suivi, Chr(13))(0)), Len(Signature)).Font
.Name = "Bradley Hand ITC": .ColorIndex = 33
End With
With sh.TextFrame.Characters(X, Len(Split(Suivi, Chr(13))(0))).Font
.Name = "Calibri Light": .ColorIndex = 3
End With
End Sub