Public Sub ExtractFormulas()
Dim l_as_formulas() As String
Dim l_o_wb As Excel.Workbook
Set l_o_wb = ActiveWorkbook
l_as_formulas = ExtractWorkbookFormulas(l_o_wb)
If (Not l_as_formulas) <> -1 Then
With Application.Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet).Worksheets(1)
.Range("A1").Value = "Feuille"
.Range("B1").Value = "Cellule"
.Range("C1").Value = "Formule"
.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(l_as_formulas, 1), UBound(l_as_formulas, 2)).Value = l_as_formulas
.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, .Range("A1").CurrentRegion, , xlYes).Name = "Tab_ListeFormules"
End With
MsgBox "Aucune formule trouvée dans le classeur '" & l_o_wb.Name & "'.", vbInformation, "Info"
End If
End Sub
Private Function ExtractWorkbookFormulas(p_o_wb As Excel.Workbook) As String()
Dim l_o_ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim l_as_formulas() As String
Dim l_as_result() As String
Dim l_l_i As Long
For Each l_o_ws In p_o_wb.Worksheets
ExtractWorksheetFormulas l_o_ws, l_as_formulas
Next l_o_ws
If (Not l_as_formulas) <> -1 Then
ReDim l_as_result(1 To UBound(l_as_formulas, 2), 1 To 3)
For l_l_i = 1 To UBound(l_as_formulas, 2)
l_as_result(l_l_i, 1) = l_as_formulas(1, l_l_i)
l_as_result(l_l_i, 2) = l_as_formulas(2, l_l_i)
l_as_result(l_l_i, 3) = l_as_formulas(3, l_l_i)
Next l_l_i
End If
ExtractWorkbookFormulas = l_as_result
End Function
Private Sub ExtractWorksheetFormulas(p_o_ws As Excel.Worksheet, p_as_formulas() As String)
Dim l_o_rngFind As Excel.Range
Dim l_s_memAddress As String
Dim l_l_i As Long
Set l_o_rngFind = p_o_ws.UsedRange.Find("=", , xlFormulas, xlPart)
If Not l_o_rngFind Is Nothing Then
l_s_memAddress = l_o_rngFind.Address
If l_o_rngFind.HasFormula Then
If (Not p_as_formulas) <> -1 Then
l_l_i = UBound(p_as_formulas, 2) + 1
ReDim Preserve p_as_formulas(1 To 3, 1 To l_l_i)
ReDim p_as_formulas(1 To 3, 1 To 1)
l_l_i = 1
End If
p_as_formulas(1, l_l_i) = p_o_ws.Name
p_as_formulas(2, l_l_i) = l_o_rngFind.Address(False, False)
p_as_formulas(3, l_l_i) = l_o_rngFind.Formula2Local
Set l_o_rngFind = p_o_ws.UsedRange.FindNext(l_o_rngFind)
End If
Loop Until l_o_rngFind.Address Like l_s_memAddress
End If
End Sub