Sub Exporter()
Dim T, Nom, Ligne, Début, N%, Colonne%
T = [A1].CurrentRegion
Nom = Array("AB", "CD", "EF", "GH", "IJ", "KL", "MN", "OP", "RS", "TU", "ZZ", "WW", "XX")
Ligne = Array(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
With Sheets("VENDREDI")
For L = 1 To UBound(T)
Début = UCase(Left(T(L, 1), 2))
If Début = "0" Or Début = "" Then Exit For
For N = 0 To 13
If Nom(N) = Début Then Exit For
Next N
If N < 13 Then
Colonne = 3 * N + 1
.Cells(Ligne(N), Colonne + 0) = T(L, 1)
.Cells(Ligne(N), Colonne + 1) = T(L, 2)
.Cells(Ligne(N), Colonne + 2) = T(L, 3)
Ligne(N) = Ligne(N) + 1
End If
Next L
End With
End Sub