Dim TDon(), FerrPréc, T(), TFerr(), LD&, LF&
TDon = ActiveCell.Resize(Finferrures - DebutFerrures + 1, 3).Value
FerrPréc = 0
For LD = 1 To UBound(TDon, 1)
If TDon(LD, 1) = 0 Then FerrPréc = 0
If TDon(LD, 1) <> FerrPréc Then
LF = LF + 1
ReDim Preserve T(1 To LF)
T(LF) = Array(TDon(LD, 1), TDon(LD, 3))
End If
Next LD
ReDim TFerr(1 To LF, 1 To 2)
For LF = 1 To UBound(T, 1)
TFerr(LF, 1) = T(LF)(0)
TFerr(LF, 2) = T(LF)(1)
Next LF