J'utilise une sauvegarde automatique de mon fichier excel qui marche parfaitement.
Je crois qu'il doit manquer quelque chose car elle n'enregistre juste pas les macros et c'est un peu genant
On peut retrouver le code ci-dessous ou directement en pièce jointe via le fichier excel.
Merci pour votre aide.
Option Explicit
Const scheminBackUp = "G:\Pierre\Sauvegarde fichier excel\"
Const Intervalle = "00:45:00"
Const PlusVieuxQueXXheures = 1
Dim ProchaineFois As Date
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next: MkDir "G:\Pierre\Sauvegarde fichier excel": On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , False
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub Sauvegarder()
Dim cheminBackUp$, nomfic$, mots, classeur As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ThisWorkbook
If ProchaineFois > TimeValue("00:00:00") Then Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , False
cheminBackUp = scheminBackUp
If Right(cheminBackUp, 1) <> "\" Then cheminBackUp = cheminBackUp & "\"
nomfic = Left(.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 1 - Len(Split(.Name, ".")(UBound(Split(.Name, ".")))))
nomfic = nomfic & Format(Now, " (mmm-dd-yyyy hh""h""mm""m""ss""s"")")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.SaveCopyAs cheminBackUp & nomfic
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set classeur = Workbooks.Open(cheminBackUp & nomfic)
classeur.SaveAs cheminBackUp & nomfic & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Kill cheminBackUp & nomfic
Application.EnableEvents = True
ProchaineFois = Now() + TimeValue(Intervalle)
Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub supprimerVieux()
Dim cheminBackUp$, nomfic$, mots, classeur As Workbook, xfic
Dim DateLimite As Date, DateFic, HeureFic, s, j
With ThisWorkbook
DateLimite = Now() - PlusVieuxQueXXheures / 24#
cheminBackUp = scheminBackUp
If Right(cheminBackUp, 1) <> "\" Then cheminBackUp = cheminBackUp & "\"
nomfic = Left(.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 1 - Len(Split(.Name, ".")(UBound(Split(.Name, ".")))))
xfic = Dir(cheminBackUp & nomfic & "*.xlsx")
Do While xfic <> ""
On Error Resume Next
s = Split(Split(xfic, "(")(1), ")")(0)
s = Replace(s, "-", " "): s = Replace(s, "h", " ")
s = Replace(s, "m", " "): s = Replace(s, "s", " ")
j = Split(s)
DateFic = CDate(j(1) & "-" & j(0) & "-" & j(2))
HeureFic = TimeSerial(j(3), j(4), j(5))
DateFic = DateFic & " " & HeureFic
DateFic = CDate(DateFic)
If Err.Number = 0 Then If DateFic <= DateLimite Then Kill cheminBackUp & xfic
On Error GoTo 0
xfic = Dir
End With
End Sub
J'utilise une sauvegarde automatique de mon fichier excel qui marche parfaitement.
Je crois qu'il doit manquer quelque chose car elle n'enregistre juste pas les macros et c'est un peu genant
On peut retrouver le code ci-dessous ou directement en pièce jointe via le fichier excel.
Merci pour votre aide.
Option Explicit
Const scheminBackUp = "G:\Pierre\Sauvegarde fichier excel\"
Const Intervalle = "00:45:00"
Const PlusVieuxQueXXheures = 1
Dim ProchaineFois As Date
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next: MkDir "G:\Pierre\Sauvegarde fichier excel": On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , False
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub Sauvegarder()
Dim cheminBackUp$, nomfic$, mots, classeur As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ThisWorkbook
If ProchaineFois > TimeValue("00:00:00") Then Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , False
cheminBackUp = scheminBackUp
If Right(cheminBackUp, 1) <> "\" Then cheminBackUp = cheminBackUp & "\"
nomfic = Left(.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 1 - Len(Split(.Name, ".")(UBound(Split(.Name, ".")))))
nomfic = nomfic & Format(Now, " (mmm-dd-yyyy hh""h""mm""m""ss""s"")")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.SaveCopyAs cheminBackUp & nomfic
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set classeur = Workbooks.Open(cheminBackUp & nomfic)
classeur.SaveAs cheminBackUp & nomfic & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Kill cheminBackUp & nomfic
Application.EnableEvents = True
ProchaineFois = Now() + TimeValue(Intervalle)
Application.OnTime ProchaineFois, "ThisWorkbook.Sauvegarder", , True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub supprimerVieux()
Dim cheminBackUp$, nomfic$, mots, classeur As Workbook, xfic
Dim DateLimite As Date, DateFic, HeureFic, s, j
With ThisWorkbook
DateLimite = Now() - PlusVieuxQueXXheures / 24#
cheminBackUp = scheminBackUp
If Right(cheminBackUp, 1) <> "\" Then cheminBackUp = cheminBackUp & "\"
nomfic = Left(.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 1 - Len(Split(.Name, ".")(UBound(Split(.Name, ".")))))
xfic = Dir(cheminBackUp & nomfic & "*.xlsx")
Do While xfic <> ""
On Error Resume Next
s = Split(Split(xfic, "(")(1), ")")(0)
s = Replace(s, "-", " "): s = Replace(s, "h", " ")
s = Replace(s, "m", " "): s = Replace(s, "s", " ")
j = Split(s)
DateFic = CDate(j(1) & "-" & j(0) & "-" & j(2))
HeureFic = TimeSerial(j(3), j(4), j(5))
DateFic = DateFic & " " & HeureFic
DateFic = CDate(DateFic)
If Err.Number = 0 Then If DateFic <= DateLimite Then Kill cheminBackUp & xfic
On Error GoTo 0
xfic = Dir
End With
End Sub