Private Declare Function GetProfileSection& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetProfileSectionA" ( _
ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal lngSize As Long)
Sub editer()
Dim Variable_Imp As String
Dim VarTab As Variant
Dim i&
Variable_Imp = Application.ActivePrinter 'mise en memoire de l'imprimante par defaut
VarTab = EnumerePrinters
For i& = 1 To UBound(VarTab, 1)
If VarTab(i&, 1) = "PDFCreator" Then
Application.ActivePrinter = VarTab(i&, 1) & " sur " & VarTab(i&, 2)
Exit For
End If
Next i&
Sheets(1).PrintOut 'imprimer le pdf
Application.ActivePrinter = Variable_Imp
End Sub
Private Function EnumerePrinters() As Variant
Dim A$
Dim rep&
Dim cpt&
Dim pos&
Dim T()
A$ = Space(2048)
rep& = GetProfileSection("devices", A$, 2048)
If rep& > 0 Then
A$ = Trim(Replace(A$, Chr(0), ""))
Do Until A$ = ""
cpt& = cpt& + 1
ReDim Preserve T(1 To 2, 1 To cpt&)
pos& = InStr(1, A$, "=") - 1
T(1, cpt&) = Mid(A$, 1, pos&)
pos& = InStr(1, A$, ",") + 1
T(2, cpt&) = Mid(A$, pos&, InStr(1, A$, ":") + 1 - pos&)
A$ = Mid(A$, InStr(1, A$, ":") + 1)
End If
EnumerePrinters = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(T)
End Function