Nombre d'images contenues dans userform


XLDnaute Barbatruc

Je recherche un code pour avoir le nombre d'images contenues dans un userform?

Je vous remercie d'avance


XLDnaute Barbatruc
Bonjour Pierre

Je te remercie mais j'ai un souci le nombre d'image est dépendant de ma liste que j'ai en colonne "A" pour cela j'ai un code comme ceci
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Obj As Control, i%, Larg_Img%, Haut_Img%, Haut_Lbl%, cpt%, rang%, iMin%, iMax%, reste%
Larg_Img = 120
Haut_Img = 80
Haut_Lbl = 12
NbQ = [ListNom].Count
Arr = [ListNom].Value
cpt = 0
rang = 0

iMin = 1 + 8 * rang
iMax = IIf(8 + 8 * rang <= NbQ, 8 + 8 * rang, NbQ)
For i = iMin To iMax
cpt = cpt + 1
   Set Obj = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.image.1")
   With Obj
      .Name = "img" & Format(i, "000")
      On Error Resume Next    '(en cas de photos manquantes)
      '.Picture = LoadPicture(Chemin & Arr(cpt, 1) & ".jpg") ', 250, 178)
      .Picture = LoadPicture("J:\covers small\" & Arr(cpt, 1) & ".jpg") ', 250, 178)
      On Error GoTo 0
      .PictureSizeMode = 3 '  Format 3= proportionnel
      .Tag = Format(i, "000")
      .BackStyle = 0 'BackStyle transparent
      .BorderStyle = 0 'BorderStyle None
      .Left = 12 + (Larg_Img + 12) * ((i - 1) Mod 8)
      .Top = 12 + (Haut_Img + 12) * (rang)
      .Width = Larg_Img
      .Height = Haut_Img
   End With
   ReDim Preserve Img_Trombi(1 To iMax)
   Set Img_Trombi(i).Trombi = Obj
   Set Obj = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
   With Obj
      .Name = "Lbl" & Format(i, "000")
      .Tag = Format(i, "000")
      .BackStyle = 0  'BackStyle transparent
      .Caption = Arr(i, 1)
      .ForeColor = &HE0E0E0 'Police Label
      .Left = 12 + (Larg_Img + 12) * ((i - 1) Mod 8)
      .Top = 92 + (92) * (rang)
      .Width = Larg_Img
      .Height = 12
   End With
   ReDim Preserve Lbl_Trombi(1 To iMax)
   Set Lbl_Trombi(i).LblNam = Obj
Next i
rang = rang + 1
Loop Until cpt = NbQ

With UserForm1
k = (12 + Larg_Img) * 8 + 30
   .Width = k
   reste = IIf(Int([ListNom].Count / 10) * 10 < [ListNom].Count, 1, 0)
   .ScrollHeight = 72 * (Int([ListNom].Count / 10) + reste) + 12
   .Height = IIf(rang <= 7, 36 + (92 * rang), 516)
   .Caption = "Covers"  'Caption User
   .BackColor = &H80000012 'Couleur de fond "Noir"
End With
End Sub

et lui me trouve 1 image alors qu'il y a na 60 normale......

Je te remercie


XLDnaute Barbatruc

Non je ne suis pas arriver même avec un compteur déclaré en Public.
Mon code User avec ton code est:
Public cpt As Integer
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.ScrollTop = 0
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Obj As Control, i%, Larg_Img%, Haut_Img%, Haut_Lbl%, cpt%, rang%, iMin%, iMax%, reste%
Larg_Img = 120
Haut_Img = 80
Haut_Lbl = 12
NbQ = [ListNom].Count
Arr = [ListNom].Value
cpt = 0
rang = 0

iMin = 1 + 8 * rang
iMax = IIf(8 + 8 * rang <= NbQ, 8 + 8 * rang, NbQ)
For i = iMin To iMax
cpt = cpt + 1
   Set Obj = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.image.1")
   With Obj
      .Name = "img" & Format(i, "000")
      On Error Resume Next    '(en cas de photos manquantes)
      '.Picture = LoadPicture(Chemin & Arr(cpt, 1) & ".jpg") ', 250, 178)
      .Picture = LoadPicture("J:\covers small\" & Arr(cpt, 1) & ".jpg") ', 250, 178)
      On Error GoTo 0
      .PictureSizeMode = 3 '  Format 3= proportionnel
      .Tag = Format(i, "000")
      .BackStyle = 0 'BackStyle transparent
      .BorderStyle = 0 'BorderStyle None
      .Left = 12 + (Larg_Img + 12) * ((i - 1) Mod 8)
      .Top = 12 + (Haut_Img + 12) * (rang)
      .Width = Larg_Img
      .Height = Haut_Img
   End With
   ReDim Preserve Img_Trombi(1 To iMax)
   Set Img_Trombi(i).Trombi = Obj
   Set Obj = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
   With Obj
      .Name = "Lbl" & Format(i, "000")
      .Tag = Format(i, "000")
      .BackStyle = 0  'BackStyle transparent
      .Caption = Arr(i, 1)
      .ForeColor = &HE0E0E0 'Police Label
      .Left = 12 + (Larg_Img + 12) * ((i - 1) Mod 8)
      .Top = 92 + (92) * (rang)
      .Width = Larg_Img
      .Height = 12
   End With
   ReDim Preserve Lbl_Trombi(1 To iMax)
   Set Lbl_Trombi(i).LblNam = Obj
Next i
rang = rang + 1
Loop Until cpt = NbQ

With UserForm1
k = (12 + Larg_Img) * 8 + 30
   .Width = k
   reste = IIf(Int([ListNom].Count / 10) * 10 < [ListNom].Count, 1, 0)
   .ScrollHeight = 72 * (Int([ListNom].Count / 10) + reste) + 12
   .Height = IIf(rang <= 7, 36 + (92 * rang), 516)
   '.Height = IIf(rang <= 7, 150 + (92 * rang), 700)
   .Caption = "Covers"  'Caption User
   .BackColor = &H80000012 'Couleur de fond "Noir"
End With

For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl) = "Image" Then
Label1 = ("L'" & UserForm1.Name & " possede " & nb & " Images")
End If
End Sub

A moins que je me suis tromper


XLDnaute Barbatruc
Bonsoir maval
Bonsoir le fil,Le Forum
Avec cette procédure tu n'arrives à rien car la variable nb n'est pas incrémentée , il me semble
For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl) = "Image" Then
Label1 = ("L'" & UserForm1.Name & " possede " & nb & " Images")
End If
il me semble qu'en reprenant la procédure de pierrejean et la recherche par type de tatiak
tu devrais y arrive
soit :
For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls
  If TypeName(ctrl) = "Image" Then
  nb = nb + 1
  End If
MsgBox ("L'" & UserForm1.Name & " possede " & nb & " Images")
pas sur d'avoir tout compris LOL
Bonne fin de Soirée
Jean marie


XLDnaute Barbatruc
Bonjour Max
Bonjour le Fil,Le Forum

Peut être comme ceux ci !! Lol
With Userform1
    For Each ctrl In .Controls
      If TypeName(ctrl) = "Image" Then
      nb = nb + 1
      End If
       .Caption = "L'" & .Name & " possede " & nb & " Images"
End With
Bonne fin de Journée
Jean Marie

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