XL 2013 macro excel


XLDnaute Occasionnel
je n'arrive pas a rajouter dans Mon synoptique les elements de la colone n°3
ci dessous mon code

Dim colonne, débutOrg, forga, inth, intv, Tbl(), n
Sub DessineOrga()
   Set forga = Sheets("SYNOP ELEC")
   Set f = Sheets("BD ELEC")
   Set débutOrg = forga.Range("a1")
   Tbl = f.Range("A2:D" & f.[A65000].End(xlUp).Row).Value
   n = UBound(Tbl)
   For i = 2 To n
     If InStr(Tbl(i, 1), ".") = 0 Then Tbl(i, 4) = "0" Else p = InStrRev(Tbl(i, 1), "."): Tbl(i, 4) = Left(Tbl(i, 1), p - 1)
   Next i
   For Each s In forga.Shapes
    If s.Type = 17 Or s.Type = 1 Then s.Delete
   colonne = 0
   inth = 90
   intv = 40
   créeShape Tbl(1, 1), 1, Tbl(1, 2), Tbl(1, 3)
End Sub
Sub créeShape(parent, niv, Attribut, attribut2) ' procédure récursive
  hauteurshape = 30
  largeurshape = 150
  colonne = colonne + 1
  forga.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 10, 10, largeurshape, hauteurshape).Name = parent
  forga.Shapes(parent).Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 22
  txt = parent & " :  " & Attribut & vbLf & attribut2
  With forga.Shapes(parent)
    .TextFrame.Characters.Text = txt
    .TextFrame.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1000).Font.Size = 8
    .TextFrame.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=Len(Attribut)).Font.Bold = True
    .TextFrame.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=Len(parent)).Font.ColorIndex = 3
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(58, 95, 205)
  End With
  forga.Shapes(parent).Left = débutOrg.Left + niv * inth
  forga.Shapes(parent).Top = débutOrg.Top + intv * colonne
  For i = 1 To n
    If Tbl(i, 1) = parent And niv > 1 Then

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