Private Sub UserForm_initualise()
Dim i As Integer 'Client
Dim j As Integer 'Type de prestation
With Sheets("Donnees")
For i = 5 To Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row 'selection a partir de la ligne 5
For j = 5 To Range("D6").End(xlUp).Row 'selection a partir de la ligne 5
CBX_Client = Range("B" & i)
CBX_TypeDePrestation = Range("D" & j)
If CBX_Client.ListIndex = -1 And Range("B" & i) <> "" Then _
CBX_Client.AddItem Range("B" & i)
If CBX_TypeDePrestation.ListIndex = -1 And Range("D" & j) <> "" Then _
CBX_TypeDePrestation.AddItem Range("D" & j)
Next j
Next i
End With
End Sub